Mauricio Gomes Pereira
Mauricio Gomes Pereira
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Epidemiologia: teoria e prática
MG Pereira
Epidemiologia: teoria e prática, 596-596, 2001
Revisões sistemáticas da literatura: passos para sua elaboração
TF Galvão, MG Pereira
Epidemiologia e serviços de saúde 23 (1), 183-184, 2014
The introduction, methods, results, and discussion (IMRAD) structure: a fifty-year survey
LB Sollaci, MG Pereira
Journal of the medical library association 92 (3), 364, 2004
Maternal anemia and low birth weight: a systematic review and meta-analysis
ACMG Figueiredo, IS Gomes-Filho, RB Silva, PPS Pereira, FAFD Mata, ...
Nutrients 10 (5), 601, 2018
Identification of genomic regions affecting plant height in sorghum and maize
MG Pereira, M Lee
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 90, 380-388, 1995
Maternal active smoking during pregnancy and low birth weight in the Americas: a systematic review and meta-analysis
PPS Pereira, FAF Da Mata, ACG Figueiredo, KRC de Andrade, ...
Nicotine & tobacco research 19 (5), 497-505, 2017
Construction of an RFLP map in sorghum and comparative mapping in maize
MG Pereira, M Lee, P Bramel-Cox, W Woodman, J Doebley, R Whitkus
Genome 37 (2), 236-243, 1994
Artigos científicos: como redigir, publicar e avaliar
MG Pereira
Artigos científicos: como redigir, publicar e avaliar, x, 383-x, 383, 2012
Prevalence of frailty in Latin America and the Caribbean: a systematic review and meta-analysis
FAF Da Mata, PPS Pereira, KRC Andrade, ACMG Figueiredo, MT Silva, ...
PloS one 11 (8), e0160019, 2016
Prevalence of depression morbidity among Brazilian adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
MT Silva, TF Galvao, SS Martins, MG Pereira
Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 36 (3), 262-270, 2014
Etapas de busca e seleção de artigos em revisões sistemáticas da literatura
MG Pereira, TF Galvão
Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde 23 (2), 369-371, 2014
Periodontitis and respiratory diseases: A systematic review with meta‐analysis
IS Gomes‐Filho, SS Cruz, SC Trindade, JS Passos‐Soares, ...
Oral diseases 26 (2), 439-446, 2020
Prevalência e fatores associados à automedicação em adultos no Distrito Federal: estudo transversal de base populacional
PHF Domingues, TF Galvão, KRC Andrade, PC Araújo, MT Silva, ...
Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde 26, 319-330, 2017
Diagnosis and control of polypharmacy in the elderly
P Medeiros-Souza, LL Santos-Neto, LTE Kusano, MG Pereira
Revista de Saúde Pública 41, 1049-1053, 2007
Pubertal timing in girls and depression: a systematic review
TF Galvao, MT Silva, IR Zimmermann, KM Souza, SS Martins, MG Pereira
Journal of affective disorders 155, 13-19, 2014
Clasificación de usos del suelo a partir de imágenes Sentinel-2
J Borràs, J Delegido, A Pezzola, M Pereira-Sandoval, G Morassi, ...
Revista de Teledetección, 55-66, 2017
Maternal anemia and birth weight: A prospective cohort study
ACMG Figueiredo, IS Gomes-Filho, JET Batista, GS Orrico, ECL Porto, ...
PloS one 14 (3), e0212817, 2019
Antioxidants for preventing preeclampsia: a systematic review
AMR Salles, TF Galvao, MT Silva, LCD Motta, MG Pereira
The Scientific World Journal 2012 (1), 243476, 2012
Prevalence of dementia among elderly Brazilians: a systematic review
SD Fagundes, MT Silva, MFRS Thees, MG Pereira
Sao Paulo Medical Journal 129, 46-50, 2011
Problem‐Based Learning in Pharmaceutical Education: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
TF Galvao, MT Silva, CS Neiva, LM Ribeiro, MG Pereira
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 578382, 2014
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Articles 1–20