Nikolaos Papailiou
Nikolaos Papailiou
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H2RDF: adaptive query processing on RDF data in the cloud.
N Papailiou, I Konstantinou, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web, 397-400, 2012
H2RDF+: High-performance distributed joins over large-scale RDF graphs
N Papailiou, I Konstantinou, D Tsoumakos, P Karras, N Koziris
2013 IEEE International conference on big data, 255-263, 2013
H2RDF+ an efficient data management system for big RDF graphs
N Papailiou, D Tsoumakos, I Konstantinou, P Karras, N Koziris
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2014
Graph-aware, workload-adaptive SPARQL query caching
N Papailiou, D Tsoumakos, P Karras, N Koziris
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2015
MuSQLE: Distributed SQL query execution over multiple engine environments
V Giannakouris, N Papailiou, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 452-461, 2016
Celar: automated application elasticity platform
I Giannakopoulos, N Papailiou, C Mantas, I Konstantinou, D Tsoumakos, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 23-25, 2014
Analysing and enriching focused semantic web archives for parliament applications
E Demidova, N Barbieri, S Dietze, A Funk, H Holzmann, D Maynard, ...
Future Internet 6 (3), 433-456, 2014
The ARCOMEM architecture for social-and semantic-driven web archiving
T Risse, E Demidova, S Dietze, W Peters, N Papailiou, K Doka, ...
Future Internet 6 (4), 688-716, 2014
Uncertain graph sparsification
P Parchas, N Papailiou, D Papadias, F Bonchi
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 30 (12), 2435-2449, 2018
Mix ‘n’match multi-engine analytics
K Doka, N Papailiou, V Giannakouris, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 194-203, 2016
Ires: Intelligent, multi-engine resource scheduler for big data analytics workflows
K Doka, N Papailiou, D Tsoumakos, C Mantas, N Koziris
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2015
Panic: modeling application performance over virtualized resources
I Giannakopoulos, D Tsoumakos, N Papailiou, N Koziris
2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, 213-218, 2015
Datix: A system for scalable network analytics
D Sarlis, N Papailiou, I Konstantinou, G Smaragdakis, N Koziris
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 45 (5), 21-28, 2015
Automatic scaling of selective sparql joins using the tiramola system
E Angelou, N Papailiou, I Konstantinou, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Web Information …, 2012
On controlling elasticity of cloud applications in celar
G Copil, D Moldovan, HD Le, HL Truong, S Dustdar, C Sofokleous, ...
Web-Based Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 1937-1967, 2016
Robust and Adaptive Multi-Engine Analytics using IReS
N Papailiou, K Doka, V Giannakouris, V Papaioannou, D Tsoumakos, ...
Proceedings of BIRTE, 2016
Multi-engine analytics with ires
K Doka, I Mytilinis, N Papailiou, V Giannakouris, D Tsoumakos, N Koziris
Real-Time Business Intelligence and Analytics: International Workshops …, 2019
Optimizing, Planning and Executing Analytics Workflows over Multiple Engines.
K Doka, M Filatov, V Giannakouris, V Kantere, N Koziris, C Mantas, ...
EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 2016
Scalable Indexing and Adaptive Querying of RDF Data in the cloud
N Papailiou, D Tsoumakos, I Konstantinou, P Karras, N Koziris
Proceedings of Semantic Web Information Management on Semantic Web …, 2014
Κλιμακώσιμοι και βασισμένοι στο φόρτο εργασίας αλγόριθμοι διαχείρισης μη δομημένων δεδομένων
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Articles 1–20