Susan Humphrey-Murto
Susan Humphrey-Murto
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Cytowane przez
The use of the Delphi and other consensus group methods in medical education research: a review
S Humphrey-Murto, L Varpio, TJ Wood, C Gonsalves, LA Ufholz, ...
Academic Medicine 92 (10), 1491-1498, 2017
Using consensus group methods such as Delphi and Nominal Group in medical education research
S Humphrey-Murto, L Varpio, C Gonsalves, TJ Wood
Medical teacher 39 (1), 14-19, 2017
The use of Delphi and Nominal Group Technique in nursing education: A review
T Foth, N Efstathiou, B Vanderspank-Wright, LA Ufholz, N Dütthorn, ...
International journal of nursing studies 60, 112-120, 2016
The Delphi method—more research please
S Humphrey-Murto, M De Wit
Journal of clinical epidemiology 106, 136-139, 2019
Standard setting in a small scale OSCE: a comparison of the modified borderline-group method and the borderline regression method
TJ Wood, SM Humphrey-Murto, GR Norman
Advances in Health Sciences Education 11, 115-122, 2006
Scurvy in the developed world
A Smith, G Di Primio, S Humphrey-Murto
Cmaj 183 (11), E752-E755, 2011
The delphi method
S Humphrey-Murto, TJ Wood, C Gonsalves, K Mascioli, L Varpio
Academic Medicine 95 (1), 168, 2020
Efficacy and tolerability of methotrexate in antimalarial resistant lupus arthritis.
P Rahman, S Humphrey-Murto, DD Gladman, MB Urowitz
The Journal of Rheumatology 25 (2), 243-246, 1998
Comparison of student examiner to faculty examiner scoring and feedback in an OSCE
G Moineau, B Power, AMJ Pion, TJ Wood, S Humphrey‐Murto
Medical Education 45 (2), 183-191, 2011
The effectiveness of webcast compared to live lectures as a teaching tool in medical school
JP Vaccani, H Javidnia, S Humphrey-Murto
Medical teacher 38 (1), 59-63, 2016
A procedural skills OSCE: assessing technical and non-technical skills of internal medicine residents
D Pugh, SJ Hamstra, TJ Wood, S Humphrey-Murto, C Touchie, ...
Advances in Health Sciences Education 20 (1), 85-100, 2015
Standard setting: a comparison of case-author and modified borderline-group methods in a small-scale OSCE
S Humphrey-Murto, JC MacFadyen
Academic Medicine 77 (7), 729-732, 2002
Do OSCE progress test scores predict performance in a national high‐stakes examination?
D Pugh, F Bhanji, G Cole, J Dupre, R Hatala, S Humphrey‐Murto, ...
Medical Education 50 (3), 351-358, 2016
Progress testing: is there a role for the OSCE?
D Pugh, C Touchie, TJ Wood, S Humphrey‐Murto
Medical education 48 (6), 623-631, 2014
Assessment pearls for competency-based medical education
S Humphrey-Murto, TJ Wood, S Ross, W Tavares, B Kvern, R Sidhu, ...
Journal of graduate medical education 9 (6), 688-691, 2017
Resident experiences of informal education: how often, from whom, about what and how
L Varpio, E Bidlake, L Casimiro, P Hall, C Kuziemsky, S Brajtman, ...
Medical education 48 (12), 1220-1234, 2014
Does emotional intelligence at medical school admission predict future academic performance?
S Humphrey-Murto, JJ Leddy, TJ Wood, D Puddester, G Moineau
Academic Medicine 89 (4), 638-643, 2014
A comparison of physician examiners and trained assessors in a high-stakes OSCE setting
S Humphrey-Murto, S Smee, C Touchie, TJ Wood, DE Blackmore
Academic Medicine 80 (10), S59-S62, 2005
Teaching and assessing procedural skills: a qualitative study
C Touchie, S Humphrey-Murto, L Varpio
BMC medical education 13, 1-9, 2013
The OSCE progress test–measuring clinical skill development over residency training
D Pugh, C Touchie, S Humphrey-Murto, TJ Wood
Medical Teacher 38 (2), 168-173, 2016
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