Elif Baykal Kablan
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Cited by
Transfer learning with pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks for serous cell classification
E Baykal, H Dogan, ME Ercin, S Ersoz, M Ekinci
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 15593-15611, 2020
An ensemble of fine-tuned fully convolutional neural networks for pleural effusion cell nuclei segmentation
EB Kablan, H Dogan, ME Ercin, S Ersoz, M Ekinci
Computers & Electrical Engineering 81, 106533, 2020
Modern convolutional object detectors for nuclei detection on pleural effusion cytology images
E Baykal, H Dogan, ME Ercin, S Ersoz, M Ekinci
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 15417-15436, 2020
Automated nuclei detection in serous effusion cytology based on machine learning
E Baykal, H Dogan, M Ekinci, ME Ercin, S Ersoz
2017 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2017
Automated nuclei detection on pleural effusion cytopathology images using YOLOv3
B Kilic, E Baykal, M Ekinci, H Dogan, ME Ercin, S Ersoz
2019 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK …, 2019
Automated nuclei detection in serous effusion cytology with stacked sparse autoencoders
E Baykal, H Doğan, ME Ercin, ª Ersöz, M Ekinci
2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2018
Diagnosis of lung cancer based on CT scans using Vision Transformers
T Gulsoy, EB Kablan
A novel extended depth of field process based on nonsubsampled shearlet transform by estimating optimal range in microscopic systems
H Dogan, E Baykal, M Ekinci, ME Ercin, S Ersoz
Optics Communications 429, 88-99, 2018
Automated cell nuclei segmentation in pleural effusion cytology using active appearance model
E Baykal, H Dogan, M Ekinci, ME Ercin, S Ersoz
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 17th International Conference …, 2017
Image forgery detection based on SIFT and k-means++
E Baykal, B Ustubioglu, G Ulutas
2016 39th international conference on telecommunications and signal …, 2016
Blur Invariant Image Forgery Detection Method Using Local Phase Quantization
B Ustubioglu, E Baykal, G Muzaffer, G Ulutas
Determination of optimum auto focusing function for cytopathological assessment processes
H Doğan, E Baykal, M Ekinci, ME Ercin, ª Ersöz
2017 Medical Technologies National Congress (TIPTEKNO), 1-4, 2017
Optimal focusing with extended depth of focus in microscopic systems
H Doğan, E Baykal, M Ekinci, ME Ercin, ª Ersöz
Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2017 …, 2017
Focalnext: A Convnext Augmented Focalnet Architecture for Lung Cancer Classification from Ct-Scan Images
T Gulsoy, E Baykal Kablan
Available at SSRN 4741248, 0
AVD-YOLOv5: a new lightweight network architecture for high-speed aortic valve detection from a new and large echocardiography dataset
M Çakır, M Ekinci, EB Kablan, M ªahin
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 1-18, 2024
Regional realness-aware generative adversarial networks for stain normalization
E Baykal Kablan
Neural Computing and Applications 35 (24), 17915-17927, 2023
Deep Learning-Based Automatic Detection of Aortic Valve on Echocardiographic Images
M Çakır, M Ekinci, EB Kablan, M ªahin
2023 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2023
Performance Comparison of Vision Transformer-Based Models in Medical Image Classification
E Kanca, S Ayas, EB Kablan, M Ekinci
2023 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2023
Derin konvolüsyonel nesne algılayıcı ile plevral efüzyon sitopatolojisinde otomatik çekirdek algılama
B Kılıç, EB Kablan, H Doğan, M Ekinci, ME Ercin, ª Ersöz
Türkiye Biliºim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi 13 (1), 33-42, 2020
Stain independent nuclei segmentation of cytopathology images: A case study in pleural effusion
EB Kablan, H Dogan, M Ekinci, ME Ercin, S Ersoz
2019 medical technologies congress (TIPTEKNO), 1-4, 2019
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Articles 1–20