Sruthi Ashraf
Sruthi Ashraf
WSP USA (Former Research Assistant at Texas A&M University)
Zweryfikowany adres z tamu.edu
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Pedestrians under influence (PUI) crashes: Patterns from correspondence regression analysis
S Das, S Ashraf, A Dutta, LN Tran
Journal of safety research 75, 14-23, 2020
Performance analyses of information-based managed lane choice decisions in a connected vehicle environment
X Guo, Y Peng, S Ashraf, MW Burris
Transportation Research Record 2674 (11), 120-133, 2020
Tracking the impact of a toll increase on managed lane travel behavior
MW Burris, S Ashraf
Transportation Research Record 2673 (2), 779-788, 2019
A comparative analysis on performance of severe crash prediction methods
RE Avelar, K Dixon, S Ashraf
Transportation research record 2672 (30), 109-119, 2018
Predicting the use of managed lanes using machine learning
S Ashraf, AS Abianeh, F Sharifi, V Gupta, IS Narsaria, M Burris
Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation 3, 213-227, 2021
Developing Crash Modification Factors for Guardrails, Utility Poles, and Side-Slope Improvements
R Avelar, K Dixon, S Ashraf, A Jhamb
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety Research and …, 2021
Developing Crash Modification Factors for Bicycle-Lane Additions While Reducing Lane and Shoulder Widths
R Avelar, K Dixon, S Ashraf, A Jhamb, B Dadashova
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety Research and …, 2021
Using behavioral economics to identify potential managed lane users
S Ashraf, M W. Burris, AL Brown, V Vitaku
Transportation research record 2676 (8), 144-158, 2022
Methods for estimating axle factors and axle classes from vehicle length data
RE Avelar, S Petersen, T Lindheimer, S Ashraf, E Minge
Transportation Research Record 2672 (43), 110-121, 2018
Investigating the Development of CMFs from Probability Analyses
R Avelar, D Lord, S Ashraf
Center for Advancing Transportation Leadership and Safety (ATLAS Center), 2018
Assessing the Safety Implications of Raising Speed Limits in Texas Freeways
RE Avelar, K Dixon, S Ashraf, D Lord
Transportation Research Record, 03611981241242354, 2024
Aggregate and individual effects of information in a coordination (traffic) game
S Ashraf, AL Brown, MW Burris, V Vitaku
Economic Inquiry 61 (4), 818-850, 2023
Road pricing applications in North America
M Burris, J Brady, S Ashraf
Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing, 436-451, 2023
Predicting Travel Behavior on Managed Lanes–A Behavioral Economics Approach
S Ashraf
Developing Crash Modification Factors For Variable Speed Limits [tech brief]
R Avelar, ES Park, S Ashraf, K Dixon, M Li, B Dadashova
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research …, 2021
Developing Crash Modification Factors for Bicycle-Lane Additions While Reducing Lane and Shoulder Widths [tech brief]
RE Avelar, KK Dixon, S Ashraf, A Jhamb, B Dadashova
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Research …, 2021
Developing Crash Modification Factors for Variable Speed Limits
RE Avelar, ES Park, S Ashraf, K Dixon, M Li, B Dadashova
https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/57267, 2021
USDOT Federal Highway Administration
RE Avelar, K Dixon, S Ashraf, A Jhamb, B Dadashova
McLean, VA, USA: USDOT Federal Highway Administration, 2021
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