Fixed points of a new type of contractive mappings in complete metric spaces D Wardowski
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2012 (2012:94), 1-9, 2012
1248 2012 Fixed points of F-weak contractions on complete metric spaces D Wardowski, NV Dung
Demonstratio Mathematica 47 (1), 146-155, 2014
325 2014 Fixed point theorems for set-valued contractions in complete metric spaces D Klim, D Wardowski
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 334 (1), 132-139, 2007
240 2007 Endpoints and fixed points of set-valued contractions in cone metric spaces D Wardowski
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 71 (1-2), 512-516, 2009
135 2009 Solving existence problems via 𝐹-contractions D Wardowski
Proceedings of the american mathematical society 146 (4), 1585-1598, 2018
129 2018 Fuzzy contractive mappings and fixed points in fuzzy metric spaces D Wardowski
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 222, 108-114, 2013
115 2013 On a soft mapping and its fixed points D Wardowski
Fixed point theory and applications 2013, 1-11, 2013
99 2013 Dynamic processes and fixed points of set-valued nonlinear contractions in cone metric spaces D Klim, D Wardowski
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 71 (11), 5170-5175, 2009
74 2009 Fixed points of dynamic processes of set-valued F -contractions and application to functional equations D Klim, D Wardowski
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2015, 1-9, 2015
73 2015 On set-valued contractions of Nadler type in cone metric spaces D Wardowski
Applied Mathematics Letters 24 (3), 275-278, 2011
62 2011 -Contractions: Not Necessarily Nonexpansive Picard OperatorsNA Secelean, D Wardowski
Results in Mathematics 70 (3), 415-431, 2016
39 2016 Fixed points of a new type of contractive mappings in complete metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory Appl., 2012 (2012), 94 D Wardowski
38 New fixed point results in quasi-metric spaces and applications in fractals theory NA Secelean, S Mathew, D Wardowski
Advances in Difference Equations 2019, 1-23, 2019
37 2019 New Fixed Point Tools in Non-metrizable Spaces NA Secelean, D Wardowski
Results in Mathematics, 1-17, 2017
16 2017 Krasnosel'skiĭ-Schaefer type method in the existence problems C Vetro, D Wardowski
10 2019 Systems of Kirchhoff type equations with gradient dependence in the reaction term via subsolution-supersolution method E Toscano, C Vetro, D Wardowski
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 16 (8), 2213-2229, 2023
8 2023 Mixed monotone operators and their application to integral equations D Wardowski
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 19, 1103-1117, 2017
8 2017 A note on fixed point theorems in metric spaces D Wardowski, N Van Dung
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 127-134, 2015
6 2015 Family of mappings with an equicontractive-type condition D Wardowski
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 1-9, 2020
5 2020 Set-valued dynamic systems and random iterations of set-valued weaker contractions in uniform spaces K Włodarczyk, C Obczyński, D Wardowski
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 318 (2), 772-780, 2006
5 2006