Ewa Pisula
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Cited by
Parenting stress and coping styles in mothers and fathers of pre‐school children with autism and Down syndrome
A Dabrowska, E Pisula
Journal of intellectual disability research 54 (3), 266-280, 2010
Family functioning, parenting stress and quality of life in mothers and fathers of Polish children with high functioning autism or Asperger syndrome
E Pisula, A Porębowicz-Dörsmann
PloS one 12 (10), e0186536, 2017
Sense of coherence and coping with stress among mothers and fathers of children with autism
E Pisula, Z Kossakowska
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 40, 1485-1494, 2010
A comparative study of stress profiles in mothers of children with autism and those of children with Down's syndrome
E Pisula
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 20 (3), 274-278, 2007
Rodzice i rodzeństwo dzieci z zaburzeniami rozwoju
E Pisula
Małe dziecko z autyzmem
E Pisula
Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, 2005
Autyzm: od badań mózgu do praktyki psychologicznej
E Pisula
Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, 2015
Parenting stress in mothers and fathers of children with autism spectrum disorders
E Pisula
A Comprehensive Book on Autism Spectrum Disorders, 87-106, 2011
Psychologiczne problemy rodziców dzieci z zaburzeniami rozwoju
E Pisula
Wydaw. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1998
Autyzm: przyczyny, symptomy, terapia
E Pisula
Wydawnictwo Harmonia, 2018
Gluten-and casein-free diet and autism spectrum disorders in children: a systematic review
A Piwowarczyk, A Horvath, J Łukasik, E Pisula, H Szajewska
European journal of nutrition 57, 433-440, 2018
Broader Autism Phenotype in Siblings of Children with ASD—A Review
E Pisula, K Ziegart-sadowska
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16, 13217-13258, 2015
Examining cross-cultural differences in autism spectrum disorder: A multinational comparison from Greece, Italy, Japan, Poland, and the United States
JL Matson, M Matheis, CO Burns, G Esposito, P Venuti, E Pisula, A Misiak, ...
European Psychiatry 42, 70-76, 2017
Factors related to positive experiences in parent-child relationship during the COVID-19 lockdown. The role of empathy, emotion regulation, parenting self-efficacy and social …
M Gambin, M Woźniak-Prus, M Sekowski, A Cudo, E Pisula, E Kiepura, ...
PsyArXiv, 1-23, 2020
Autistic traits in male and female students and individuals with high functioning autism spectrum disorders measured by the Polish version of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient
E Pisula, R Kawa, Ł Szostakiewicz, I Łucka, M Kawa, A Rynkiewicz
PloS one 8 (9), e75236, 2013
Autyzm u dzieci: diagnoza, klasyfikacja, etiologia
E Pisula
Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2001
Early detection, diagnosis and intervention services for young children with autism spectrum disorder in the European Union (ASDEU): Family and professional perspectives
Á Bejarano-Martín, R Canal-Bedia, M Magán-Maganto, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 50, 3380-3394, 2020
Rodzice dzieci z autyzmem
E Pisula
Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2012
Behavioral and emotional problems in high-functioning girls and boys with autism spectrum disorders: Parents’ reports and adolescents’ self-reports
E Pisula, M Pudło, M Słowińska, R Kawa, M Strząska, A Banasiak, ...
Autism 21 (6), 738-748, 2017
Attitudes of the autism community to early autism research
S Fletcher-Watson, F Apicella, B Auyeung, S Beranova, F Bonnet-Brilhault, ...
Autism, 14, 2016
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Articles 1–20