Michael T. McCann
Cited by
Cited by
Deep convolutional neural network for inverse problems in imaging
KH Jin, MT McCann, E Froustey, M Unser
IEEE transactions on image processing 26 (9), 4509-4522, 2017
Convolutional neural networks for inverse problems in imaging: A review
MT McCann, KH Jin, M Unser
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 34 (6), 85-95, 2017
Diffusion posterior sampling for general noisy inverse problems
H Chung, J Kim, MT Mccann, ML Klasky, JC Ye
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.14687, 2022
CNN-based projected gradient descent for consistent CT image reconstruction
H Gupta, KH Jin, HQ Nguyen, MT McCann, M Unser
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (6), 1440-1453, 2018
Automated histology analysis: Opportunities for signal processing
MT McCann, JA Ozolek, CA Castro, B Parvin, J Kovacevic
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 32 (1), 78-87, 2014
CryoGAN: A new reconstruction paradigm for single-particle cryo-EM via deep adversarial learning
H Gupta, MT McCann, L Donati, M Unser
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 7, 759-774, 2021
Solving 3d inverse problems using pre-trained 2d diffusion models
H Chung, D Ryu, MT McCann, ML Klasky, JC Ye
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Indirect structural health monitoring in bridges: scale experiments
F Cerda, J Garrett, J Bielak, P Rizzo, J Barrera, Z Zhuang, S Chen, ...
Carnegie Mellon University, 2012
Images as Occlusions of Textures: A Framework for Segmentation
MT McCann, DG Mixon, MC Fickus, CA Castro, JA Ozolek, J Kovac̆ević
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (5), 2033 - 2046, 2013
Pocket guide to solve inverse problems with GlobalBioIm
E Soubies, F Soulez, MT McCann, T Pham, L Donati, T Debarre, D Sage, ...
Inverse Problems 35 (10), 104006, 2019
Algorithm and benchmark dataset for stain separation in histology images
MT McCann, J Majumdar, C Peng, CA Castro, J Kovaèeviæ
2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3953-3957, 2014
Biomedical image reconstruction: From the foundations to deep neural networks
MT McCann, M Unser
Foundations and Trends® in Signal Processing 13 (3), 283-359, 2019
Fast 3D reconstruction method for differential phase contrast X-ray CT
MT McCann, M Nilchian, M Stampanoni, M Unser
Optics express 24 (13), 14564-14581, 2016
GlobalBioIm: A unifying computational framework for solving inverse problems
M Unser, E Soubies, F Soulez, M McCann, L Donati
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTu1B. 1, 2017
Electrode subset selection methods for an EEG-based P300 brain-computer interface
MT McCann, DE Thompson, ZH Syed, JE Huggins
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 10 (3), 216-220, 2015
Scientific computational imaging code (SCICO)
T Balke, F Davis Rivera, C Garcia-Cardona, S Majee, MT McCann, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (LA-UR-22-28555), 2022
Automated colitis detection from endoscopic biopsies as a tissue screening tool in diagnostic pathology
MT McCann, R Bhagavatula, MC Fickus, JA Ozolek, J Kovaèeviæ
2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2809-2812, 2012
Unified supervised-unsupervised (super) learning for x-ray ct image reconstruction
S Ye, Z Li, MT McCann, Y Long, S Ravishankar
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40 (11), 2986-3001, 2021
Tools for automated histology image analysis
MT McCann
Carnegie Mellon University, 2015
High-precision inversion of dynamic radiography using hydrodynamic features
M Hossain, BT Nadiga, O Korobkin, ML Klasky, JL Schei, JW Burby, ...
Optics Express 30 (9), 14432-14452, 2022
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Articles 1–20