Chad Spensky
Chad Spensky
CEO, Allthenticate
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Cytowane przez
Toward the analysis of embedded firmware through automated re-hosting
E Gustafson, M Muench, C Spensky, N Redini, A Machiry, Y Fratantonio, ...
22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses …, 2019
DR. CHECKER: A Soundy Analysis for Linux Kernel Drivers
A Machiry, C Spensky, J Corina, N Stephens, C Kruegel, G Vigna
26th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 17), 1007-1024, 2017
BOOMERANG: Exploiting the Semantic Gap in Trusted Execution Environments.
AU Machiry, ED Gustafson, CU Spensky, CU Salls, NU Stephens, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2016
Karonte: Detecting insecure multi-binary interactions in embedded firmware
N Redini, A Machiry, R Wang, C Spensky, A Continella, Y Shoshitaishvili, ...
2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 1544-1561, 2020
Periscope: An effective probing and fuzzing framework for the hardware-os boundary
D Song, F Hetzelt, D Das, C Spensky, Y Na, S Volckaert, G Vigna, ...
NDSS, 2019
LO-PHI: Low-Observable Physical Host Instrumentation for Malware Analysis.
C Spensky, H Hu, K Leach
NDSS, 2016
Sok: Privacy on mobile devices–it’s complicated
C Spensky, J Stewart, A Yerukhimovich, R Shay, A Trachtenberg, ...
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2016
Yeoul Na, Stijn Volckaert, Giovanni Vigna, Christopher Kruegel, Jean-Pierre Seifert, and Michael Franz. Periscope: An effective probing and fuzzing framework for the hardware …
D Song, F Hetzelt, D Das, C Spensky
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 3 (3.6), 1, 2019
Systems and methods for single device authentication
H Hu, CS Spensky
US Patent App. 15/178,320, 2017
Conware: Automated modeling of hardware peripherals
C Spensky, A Machiry, N Redini, C Unger, G Foster, E Blasband, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Asia conference on computer and communications …, 2021
Teezz: Fuzzing trusted applications on cots android devices
M Busch, A Machiry, C Spensky, G Vigna, C Kruegel, M Payer
2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 1204-1219, 2023
Towards transparent introspection
K Leach, C Spensky, W Weimer, F Zhang
2016 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and …, 2016
Glitching demystified: analyzing control-flow-based glitching attacks and defenses
C Spensky, A Machiry, N Burow, H Okhravi, R Housley, Z Gu, H Jamjoom, ...
2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2021
Discovering access-control misconfigurations: new approaches and evaluation methodologies
L Bauer, Y Liang, MK Reiter, C Spensky
Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Data and Application Security …, 2012
The leakage-resilience dilemma
BC Ward, R Skowyra, C Spensky, J Martin, H Okhravi
Computer Security–ESORICS 2019: 24th European Symposium on Research in …, 2019
Making peer-assisted content distribution robust to collusion using bandwidth puzzles
MK Reiter, V Sekar, C Spensky, Z Zhang
Information Systems Security: 5th International Conference, ICISS 2009 …, 2009
Evolutionary computation for improving malware analysis
K Leach, R Dougherty, C Spensky, S Forrest, W Weimer
2019 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Genetic Improvement (GI), 18-19, 2019
TRUST. IO: protecting physical interfaces on cyber-physical systems
C Spensky, A Machiry, M Busch, K Leach, R Housley, C Kruegel, G Vigna
2020 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 1-9, 2020
Analyzing and securing embedded systems
CS Spensky
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2020
Using open-source hardware to support disadvantaged communications
A Weinert, H Hu, C Spensky, B Bullough
2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 79-86, 2015
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