Stefano Ricci
Stefano Ricci
Full Professor, Sapienza University - Roma
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How to make modal shift from road to rail possible in the European transport market, as aspired to in the EU Transport White Paper 2011
DMZ Islam, S Ricci, BL Nelldal
European transport research review 8, 1-14, 2016
Railway operations, time-tabling and control
M Marinov, İ ªahin, S Ricci, G Vasic-Franklin
Research in Transportation Economics 41 (1), 59-75, 2013
Railway traffic on high density urban corridors: capacity, signalling and timetable
A Dicembre, S Ricci
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 1 (2), 59-68, 2011
A synthetic approach to the evaluation of the carrying capacity of complex railway nodes
G Malavasi, T Molková, S Ricci, F Rotoli
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 4 (1-2), 28-42, 2014
Complex railway systems: capacity and utilisation of interconnected networks
R Francesco, M Gabriele, R Stefano
European transport research review 8, 1-21, 2016
Rail vehicles, environment, safety and security
E Matsika, S Ricci, P Mortimer, N Georgiev, C O'Neill
Research in transportation economics 41 (1), 43-58, 2013
Driving and operation strategies for traction-energy saving in mass rapid transit systems
G Malavasi, P Palleschi, S Ricci
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2011
Simulation of stochastic elements in railway systems using self-learning processes
G Malavasi, S Ricci
European Journal of Operational Research 131 (2), 262-272, 2001
Economic and environmental impacts of scrubbers investments in shipping: a multi-sectoral analysis
TPV Zis, K Cullinane, S Ricci
Maritime Policy & Management 49 (8), 1097-1115, 2022
Deep learning based virtual point tracking for real-time target-less dynamic displacement measurement in railway applications
D Shi, E ©abanoviè, L Rizzetto, V Skrickij, R Oliverio, N Kaviani, Y Ye, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 166, 108482, 2022
The importance of sleepers spacing in railways
RS Ortega, J Pombo, S Ricci, M Miranda
Construction and Building Materials 300, 124326, 2021
Ticagrelor added to aspirin in acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack in prevention of disabling stroke: a randomized clinical trial
P Amarenco, H Denison, SR Evans, A Himmelmann, S James, ...
JAMA neurology 78 (2), 177-185, 2021
Railway capacity analysis: Methodological framework and harmonization perspectives
E Kontaxi, S Ricci
Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Lisboa, 2010
Techniques and methodologies for carrying capacity evaluation. Comparative analysis and integration perspectives//Tecniche e metodologie per la determinazione della capacità …
E Kontaxi, S Ricci
Ingegneria Ferroviaria 64 (12), 1051-1080, 2009
Visual measurement system for wheel–rail lateral position evaluation
V Skrickij, E ©abanoviè, D Shi, S Ricci, L Rizzetto, G Bureika
Sensors 21 (4), 1297, 2021
Innovative technologies for sustainable passenger transport
O Stopka, V Zitricky, B Abramoviæ, MV Marinov, S Ricci
Journal of advanced transportation 2019, 2019
Railway capacity handbook: a systematic approach to methodologies
E Kontaxi, S Riccia
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 2689-2696, 2012
Intermodal terminals simulation for operation management
A Baldassarra, S Impastato, S Ricci
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2010
Tecnica ed economia dei trasporti
S Ricci
Tecnica ed economia dei trasporti, 1-198, 2011
Efficacy and safety of ticagrelor and aspirin in patients with moderate ischemic stroke: an exploratory analysis of the THALES randomized clinical trial
Y Wang, Y Pan, H Li, P Amarenco, H Denison, SR Evans, A Himmelmann, ...
JAMA neurology 78 (9), 1091-1098, 2021
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