Emily D. Hooker
Cited by
Cited by
Social-evaluative threat, cognitive load, and the cortisol and cardiovascular stress response
A Woody, ED Hooker, PM Zoccola, SS Dickerson
Psychoneuroendocrinology 97, 149-155, 2018
The use of smartphones as a digital security blanket: The influence of phone use and availability on psychological and physiological responses to social exclusion
JF Hunter, ED Hooker, N Rohleder, SD Pressman
Psychosomatic medicine 80 (4), 345-352, 2018
Measurement properties of Sabogal’s Familism Scale: Findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) Sociocultural Ancillary Study
B Campos, SC Roesch, P Gonzalez, ED Hooker, SF Castañeda, ...
Journal of Latinx Psychology, 4, 2019
Subjective socioeconomic status matters less when perceived social support is high: A study of cortisol responses to stress
ED Hooker, B Campos, PM Zoccola, SS Dickerson
Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (8), 981-989, 2018
Is receiving social support costly for those higher in subjective socioeconomic status?
ED Hooker, B Campos, L Hoffman, P Zoccola, SS Dickerson
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-12, 2020
Validation of an online orientation seminar to improve career and major preparedness
P Atchley, E Hooker, E Kroska, A Gilmour
Teaching of Psychology 39 (2), 146-151, 2012
It just takes a text: Partner text messages can reduce cardiovascular responses to stress in females
ED Hooker, B Campos, SD Pressman
Computers in Human Behavior 84, 485-492, 2018
Integrating research on social class and social relationships
ED Hooker, SB Algoe
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 16 (8), e12698, 2022
The healthy life
ED Hooker, SD Pressman
Noba Project, 2018
Toward a biology of social support
ED Hooker, PM Zoccola, SS Dickerson
The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology, 3rd Edition, 2018
Happiness and Health
SD Pressman, ED Hooker
Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine, 890-893, 2013
K Corona, ED Hooker, B Campos
The SAGE encyclopedia of lifespan human development 2, 836-838, 2018
The neuroendocrine system
ED Hooker, SS Dickerson
The SAGE encyclopedia of theory in psychology 2, 602-603, 2016
Stressors and Stress
ED Hooker, SS Dickerson
The SAGE encyclopedia of theory in psychology 2, 920-920, 2016
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Articles 1–14