How do adolescents see their future? A review of the development of future orientation and planning JE Nurmi Developmental review 11 (1), 1-59, 1991 | 2335 | 1991 |
Ihmisen psykologinen kehitys JE Nurmi, T Ahonen, H Lyytinen, P Lyytinen, L Pulkkinen, I Ruoppila Helsinki: Wsoy 2009, 2006 | 1653 | 2006 |
Developmental dynamics of math performance from preschool to grade 2. K Aunola, E Leskinen, MK Lerkkanen, JE Nurmi Journal of educational psychology 96 (4), 699, 2004 | 1368 | 2004 |
The role of parenting styles in children's problem behavior K Aunola, JE Nurmi Child development 76 (6), 1144-1159, 2005 | 1353 | 2005 |
School burnout inventory (SBI) reliability and validity K Salmela-Aro, N Kiuru, E Leskinen, JE Nurmi European journal of psychological assessment 25 (1), 48-57, 2009 | 1196 | 2009 |
Parenting styles and adolescents' achievement strategies K Aunola, H Stattin, JE Nurmi Journal of adolescence 23 (2), 205-222, 2000 | 1088 | 2000 |
Socialization and self‐development: Channeling, selection, adjustment, and reflection JE Nurmi Handbook of adolescent psychology, 85-124, 2004 | 745 | 2004 |
The association between mathematical word problems and reading comprehension PM Vilenius‐Tuohimaa, K Aunola, JE Nurmi Educational Psychology 28 (4), 409-426, 2008 | 583 | 2008 |
Changes in stress perception and coping during adolescence: The role of situational and personal factors I Seiffge‐Krenke, K Aunola, JE Nurmi Child development 80 (1), 259-279, 2009 | 503 | 2009 |
Age differences in adult life goals, concerns, and their temporal extension: A life course approach to future-oriented motivation JE Nurmi International Journal of Behavioral Development 15 (4), 487-508, 1992 | 490 | 1992 |
Change in newcomers' supervisor support and socialization outcomes after organizational entry M Jokisaari, JE Nurmi Academy of Management Journal 52 (3), 527-544, 2009 | 480 | 2009 |
Adolescent development in an age-graded context: The role of personal beliefs, goals, and strategies in the tackling of developmental tasks and standards JE Nurmi International Journal of Behavioral Development 16 (2), 169-189, 1993 | 442 | 1993 |
Transition to formal schooling: Do transition practices matter for academic performance? A Ahtola, G Silinskas, PL Poikonen, M Kontoniemi, P Niemi, JE Nurmi Early childhood research quarterly 26 (3), 295-302, 2011 | 437 | 2011 |
Mikä meitä elämässä liikuttaa: Modernin motivaatiopsykologian perusteet K Salmela-Aro, J Nurmi PS-kustannus, 2002 | 435 | 2002 |
Students’ characteristics and teacher–child relationships in instruction: A meta-analysis JE Nurmi Educational research review 7 (3), 177-197, 2012 | 429 | 2012 |
Nuoruusiän kehitys: etsintää, valintoja ja noidankehiä JE Nurmi Teoksessa P. Lyytinen, M. Korkiakangas & H. Lyytinen (toim.) Näkökulmia …, 1995 | 420 | 1995 |
Psychosocial characteristics of women and their partners fearing vaginal childbirth T Saisto, K Salmela-Aro, JE Nurmi, E Halmesmäki British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 108 (5), 492-498, 2001 | 399 | 2001 |
Sense of coherence and health: evidence from two cross-lagged longitudinal samples M Kivimäki, T Feldt, J Vahtera, JE Nurmi Social science & medicine 50 (4), 583-597, 2000 | 397 | 2000 |
A validation of the classroom assessment scoring system in Finnish kindergartens E Pakarinen, MK Lerkkanen, AM Poikkeus, N Kiuru, M Siekkinen, ... Early Education and development 21 (1), 95-124, 2010 | 392 | 2010 |
A randomized controlled trial of intervention in fear of childbirth T Saisto, K Salmela-Aro, JE Nurmi, T Könönen, E Halmesmäki Obstetrics & Gynecology 98 (5), 820-826, 2001 | 376 | 2001 |