mariano ceccato
Cited by
Cited by
Aspect mining through the formal concept analysis of execution traces
P Tonella, M Ceccato
11th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 112-121, 2004
Measuring the effects of software aspectization
M Ceccato, P Tonella
1st Workshop on Aspect Reverse Engineering 12, 2004
RESTTESTGEN: Automated Black-Box Testing of RESTful APIs
E Viglianisi, M Dallago, M Ceccato
2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Software Testing, Validation and …, 2020
A family of experiments to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of source code obfuscation techniques
M Ceccato, M Di Penta, P Falcarin, F Ricca, M Torchiano, P Tonella
Empirical Software Engineering 19 (4), 1040-1074, 2014
How developers' experience and ability influence web application comprehension tasks supported by uml stereotypes: A series of four experiments
F Ricca, M Di Penta, M Torchiano, P Tonella, M Ceccato
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 36 (1), 96-118, 2009
A qualitative comparison of three aspect mining techniques
M Ceccato, M Marin, K Mens, L Moonen, P Tonella, T Tourwe
13th International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC'05), 13-22, 2005
Tool-supported refactoring of existing object-oriented code into aspects
D Binkley, M Ceccato, M Harman, F Ricca, P Tonella
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 32 (9), 698-717, 2006
Automated refactoring of object oriented code into aspects
D Binkley, M Ceccato, M Harman, F Ricca, P Tonella
21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05), 27-36, 2005
The role of experience and ability in comprehension tasks supported by UML stereotypes
F Ricca, M Di Penta, M Torchiano, P Tonella, M Ceccato
Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Software Engineering …, 2007
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Black-Box Testing of Android Apps
A Romdhana, A Merlo, M Ceccato, P Tonella
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.02636, 2021
The effectiveness of source code obfuscation: An experimental assessment
M Ceccato, M Di Penta, J Nagra, P Falcarin, F Ricca, M Torchiano, ...
2009 IEEE 17th International Conference on Program Comprehension, 178-187, 2009
Using acceptance tests as a support for clarifying requirements: A series of experiments
F Ricca, M Torchiano, M Di Penta, M Ceccato, P Tonella
Information and Software Technology 51 (2), 270-283, 2009
Is AOP code easier or harder to test than OOP code
M Ceccato, P Tonella, F Ricca
First Workshop on Testing Aspect-Oriented Program (WTAOP), Chicago, Illinois, 2005
Applying and combining three different aspect mining techniques
M Ceccato, M Marin, K Mens, L Moonen, P Tonella, T Tourwé
Software Quality Journal 14 (3), 209-231, 2006
Do automatically generated test cases make debugging easier? an experimental assessment of debugging effectiveness and efficiency
M Ceccato, A Marchetto, L Mariani, CD Nguyen, P Tonella
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 25 (1), 1-38, 2015
Towards security testing with taint analysis and genetic algorithms
A Avancini, M Ceccato
Proceedings of the 2010 ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure …, 2010
Security testing of web applications: A search-based approach for cross-site scripting vulnerabilities
A Avancini, M Ceccato
2011 IEEE 11th international working conference on source code analysis and …, 2011
Assessment of source code obfuscation techniques
A Viticchié, L Regano, M Torchiano, C Basile, M Ceccato, P Tonella, ...
2016 IEEE 16th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2016
Refactoring the aspectizable interfaces: An empirical assessment
P Tonella, M Ceccato
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 31 (10), 819-832, 2005
EtherSolve: Computing an Accurate Control-Flow Graph from Ethereum Bytecode
F Contro, M Crosara, M Ceccato, MD Preda
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.09113, 2021
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Articles 1–20