Shaun  Bowler
Shaun Bowler
Zweryfikowany adres z ucr.edu
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Losers' consent: Elections and democratic legitimacy
CJ Anderson, A Blais, S Bowler, T Donovan, O Listhaug
OUP Oxford, 2005
Demanding choices: Opinion, voting, and direct democracy
S Bowler, T Donovan
University of Michigan Press, 2000
Politicians, scandals, and trust in government
S Bowler, JA Karp
Political behavior 26, 271-287, 2004
Democracy, institutions and attitudes about citizen influence on government
S Bowler, T Donovan
British Journal of Political Science 32 (2), 371-390, 2002
Party discipline and parliamentary government
S Bowler, DM Farrell, RS Katz
Ohio State University Press, 1999
To know it is to love it? Satisfaction with democracy in the European Union
JA Karp, SA Banducci, S Bowler
Comparative Political Studies 36 (3), 271-292, 2003
Electoral strategies and political marketing
S Bowler, DM Farrell
St. Martin's Press, 1992
The organizing of the European Parliament: Committees, specialization and co-ordination
S Bowler, DM Farrell
British Journal of Political Science 25 (2), 219-243, 1995
Enraged or engaged? Preferences for direct citizen participation in affluent democracies
S Bowler, T Donovan, JA Karp
Political Research Quarterly 60 (3), 351-362, 2007
Party cohesion, party discipline, and parliaments
S Bowler, DM Farrell, RS Katz
Party discipline and parliamentary government, 3-22, 1999
Legislator shirking and voter monitoring: Impacts of European Parliament electoral systems upon legislator-voter relationships
S Bowler, DM Farrell
J. Common Mkt. Stud. 31, 45, 1993
Why politicians like electoral institutions: Self-interest, values, or ideology?
S Bowler, T Donovan, JA Karp
The journal of politics 68 (2), 434-446, 2006
Citizens as legislators
S Bowler, T Donovan, CJ Tolbert
Direct Democracy in the US, Chicago, 1998
Earthquakes and aftershocks: Race, direct democracy, and partisan change
S Bowler, SP Nicholson, GM Segura
American Journal of Political Science 50 (1), 146-159, 2006
Getting out the vote: Party mobilization in a comparative perspective
JA Karp, SA Banducci, S Bowler
British Journal of Political Science 38 (1), 91-112, 2008
Measuring the effect of direct democracy on state policy: Not all initiatives are created equal
S Bowler, T Donovan
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 4 (3), 345-363, 2004
Direct democracy and minority rights: an extension
T Donovan, S Bowler
American Journal of Political Science, 1020-1024, 1998
Issues, economics, and the dynamics of multiparty elections: The British 1987 general election
RM Alvarez, J Nagler, S Bowler
American Political Science Review 94 (1), 131-149, 2000
Ballot propositions and information costs: Direct democracy and the fatigued voter
S Bowler, T Donovan, T Happ
Western Political Quarterly 45 (2), 559-568, 1992
Long-term economic distress, cultural backlash, and support for Brexit
M Carreras, Y Irepoglu Carreras, S Bowler
Comparative Political Studies 52 (9), 1396-1424, 2019
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