Klemens Böhm
Klemens Böhm
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing., IPD - Institute of Program Structures and Data Organization
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HiCS: High Contrast Subspaces for Density-Based Outlier Ranking
F Keller, E Muller, K Bohm
ICDE '12 Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 28th International Conference on Data …, 2012
Towards concise models of grid stability
V Arzamasov, K Böhm, P Jochem
2018 IEEE international conference on communications, control, and computing …, 2018
Ranking outlier nodes in subspaces of attributed graphs
E Muller, P Sanchez, Y Mulle, K Bohm
2013 IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW …, 2013
FAS—a freshness-sensitive coordination middleware for a cluster of OLAP components
U Röhm, K Böhm, HJ Schek, H Schuldt
VLDB'02: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Very Large …, 2002
Metadata for multimedia documents
K Böhm, TC Rakow
ACM Sigmod Record 23 (4), 21-26, 1994
Trading quality for time with nearest-neighbor search
R Weber, K Böhm
International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 21-35, 2000
Olap query evaluation in a database cluster: A performance study on intra-query parallelism
F Akal, K Böhm, HJ Schek
East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems …, 2002
XMLTM: efficient transaction management for XML documents
T Grabs, K Böhm, HJ Schek
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on Information and …, 2002
Outlier Ranking via Subspace Analysis in Multiple Views of the Data
E Muller, I Assent, P Iglesias, Y Mulle, K Bohm
ICDM '12 Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data …, 2012
Agent-based traffic control using auctions
H Schepperle, K Böhm
International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents, 119-133, 2007
Mining edge-weighted call graphs to localise software bugs
F Eichinger, K Böhm, M Huber
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2008
Statistical selection of congruent subspaces for mining attributed graphs
PI Sánchez, E Müller, F Laforet, F Keller, K Böhm
2013 IEEE 13th international conference on data mining, 647-656, 2013
Re-identification of smart meter data
E Buchmann, K Böhm, T Burghardt, S Kessler
Personal and ubiquitous computing 17, 653-662, 2013
A time-series compression technique and its application to the smart grid
F Eichinger, P Efros, S Karnouskos, K Böhm
The VLDB Journal 24, 193-218, 2015
CMI: An information-theoretic contrast measure for enhancing subspace cluster and outlier detection
HV Nguyen, E Müller, J Vreeken, F Keller, K Böhm
Proceedings of the 2013 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 198-206, 2013
OLAP query routing and physical design in a database cluster
U Röhm, K Böhm, HJ Schek
Advances in Database Technology—EDBT 2000: 7th International Conference on …, 2000
Structured document storage and refined declarative and navigational access mechanisms in HyperStorM
K Böhm, K Aberer, EJ Neuhold, X Yang
The VLDB Journal 6 (4), 296-311, 1997
Local context selection for outlier ranking in graphs with multiple numeric node attributes
PI Sánchez, E Müller, O Irmler, K Böhm
Proceedings of the 26th international conference on scientific and …, 2014
Auction-based traffic management: Towards effective concurrent utilization of road intersections
H Schepperle, K Böhm
2008 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the Fifth IEEE …, 2008
Privacy-Integrated Graph Clustering Through Differential Privacy.
Y Mülle, C Clifton, K Böhm
EDBT/ICDT Workshops 1330, 247-254, 2015
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Articles 1–20