Marek Bara
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Cited by
Tribological behaviour of Al2O3/inorganic fullerene-like WS2 composite layer sliding against plastic
J Korzekwa, M Bara, J Pietraszek, P Pawlus
International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 10 (6), 570-584, 2016
Wear Mechanism of Al2O3/WS2 With PEEK/BG Plastic
J Korzekwa, W Skoneczny, G Dercz, M Bara
Journal of Tribology 136 (1), 011601, 2014
Influence of Anodizing Parameters on Surface Morphology and Surface-Free Energy of Al2O3 Layers Produced on EN AW-5251 Alloy
M Bara, M NiedĽwiedĽ, W Skoneczny
Materials 12 (5), 695, 2019
Surface oxide layers with an increased carbon content for applications in oil-less tribological systems
TP Kmita, MP Bara
Chemical and process engineering 33 (3), 2012
The Effect of production parameters of oxide layers on their nanostructure, nanomorphology, and surface free energy
W Skoneczny, M NiedĽwiedĽ, M Bara
Applied Sciences 8 (11), 2251, 2018
Microstructure and properties of composite coatings obtained on aluminium alloys
JJ Korzekwa, MP Bara, TP Kmita
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 61 (3), 2016
Aluminium oxide composite layers obtained by the electrochemical method in the presence of graphite
W Skoneczny, M Bara
Materials Science-Poland 25 (4), 2007
The influence of sample preparation on SEM measurements of anodic oxide layers
J Korzekwa, A G±dek-Moszczak, M Bara
Practical Metallography 53 (1), 36-49, 2022
Ceramic-graphite surface layers obtained by the duplex method on an aluminium alloy substrate
M Bara, W Skoneczny, M Hajduga
Chemical and Process Engineering 30 (3), 431-442, 2009
The influence of anodic alumina coating nanostructure produced on EN AW-5251 alloy on type of tribological wear process
M NiedĽwiedĽ, W Skoneczny, M Bara
Coatings 10 (2), 105, 2020
Analysis of Al2O3 Nanostructure Using Scanning Microscopy
M Kubica, W Skoneczny, M Bara
Scanning 2018 (1), 8459768, 2018
Influence of substrate preparation on the shaping of the topography of the surface of nanoceramic oxide layers
M Bara, M Kubica
Applied surface science 293, 306-311, 2014
Ocena odporno¶ci zużyciowej tworzyw polimerowych we współpracy z powłok± tlenkow±
PJ Duda, MP Bara, S Kaptacz
Tribologia, 2010
„Rozkład naprężeń i odkształceń wybranych węzłów tarcia w badaniu warstwy typu duplex”
G Służałek, M Kubica, H B±kowski
Mechanik 83 (1), 67-67, 2010
Charakterystyki tribologiczne warstwy Al2O3 modyfikowanej grafitem w skojarzeniu ¶lizgowym z kompozytami polimerowymi
M Bara, W Skoneczny, S Kaptacz
Tribological properties of ceramic-carbon surface layers obtained in electrolytes with a different graphite content
MP Bara, W Skoneczny, S Kaptacz
Eksploatacja i Niezawodno¶ć, 2008
Optimization of Mechanical Properties of Cr3C2-Ni20Cr/Graphite Cold Sprayed Coatings
W Żórawski, A Góral, M Makrenek, D Soboń, A Trelka, M Bara
Materials 14 (13), 3458, 2021
Influence of Conditions for Production and Thermo-Chemical Treatment of Al2O3 Coatings on Wettability and Energy State of Their Surface
M NiedĽwiedĽ, W Skoneczny, M Bara
Coatings 10 (7), 681, 2020
Evaluation of tribological characteristics of ceramic-graphite surface layers obtained by duplex method
M Bara, W Skoneczny
Monografia Computer Systems Aided Science And Engineering Work In Transport …, 2008
Dependence of the Surface Morphology and Micromechanical and Sclerometric Properties of Al2O3 Layers on the Parameters of Anodizing Aluminum Alloy
M NiedĽwiedĽ, M Bara, A Barylski
Materials 15 (23), 8482, 2022
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Articles 1–20