Emily (Southmayd) Ricker
Emily (Southmayd) Ricker
Zweryfikowany adres z usuhs.edu
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
The physiology of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea associated with energy deficiency in exercising women and in women with anorexia nervosa
HCM Allaway, EA Southmayd, MJ De Souza
Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation 25 (2), 91-119, 2016
Current status of the female athlete triad: update and future directions
MJ De Souza, KJ Koltun, CV Etter, EA Southmayd
Current osteoporosis reports 15, 577-587, 2017
Unique effects of energy versus estrogen deficiency on multiple components of bone strength in exercising women
EA Southmayd, RJ Mallinson, NI Williams, DJ Mallinson, MJ De Souza
Osteoporosis International 28, 1365-1376, 2017
Low resting metabolic rate in exercise-associated amenorrhea is not due to a reduced proportion of highly active metabolic tissue compartments
K Koehler, NI Williams, RJ Mallinson, EA Southmayd, HCM Allaway, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 311 (2), E480-E487, 2016
A summary of the influence of exogenous estrogen administration across the lifespan on the GH/IGF-1 axis and implications for bone health
EA Southmayd, MJ De Souza
Growth Hormone & IGF Research 32, 2-13, 2017
Indices of resting metabolic rate accurately reflect energy deficiency in exercising women
NCA Strock, KJ Koltun, EA Southmayd, NI Williams, MJ De Souza
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 30 (1), 14-24, 2020
Randomised controlled trial of the effects of increased energy intake on menstrual recovery in exercising women with menstrual disturbances: the ‘REFUEL’study
MJ De Souza, RJ Mallinson, NCA Strock, KJ Koltun, MP Olmsted, ...
Human Reproduction 36 (8), 2285-2297, 2021
Comparison of Female Athlete Triad Coalition and RED-S risk assessment tools
KJ Koltun, NCA Strock, EA Southmayd, AP Oneglia, NI Williams, ...
Journal of sports sciences 37 (21), 2433-2442, 2019
The path towards progress: a critical review to advance the science of the female and male athlete triad and relative energy deficiency in sport
MJ De Souza, NCA Strock, EA Ricker, KJ Koltun, M Barrack, E Joy, ...
Sports Medicine, 1-11, 2022
Food versus pharmacy: assessment of nutritional and pharmacological strategies to improve bone health in energy-deficient exercising women
EA Southmayd, AC Hellmers, MJ De Souza
Current osteoporosis reports 15, 459-472, 2017
Energy deficiency suppresses bone turnover in exercising women with menstrual disturbances
EA Southmayd, NI Williams, RJ Mallinson, MJ De Souza
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 104 (8), 3131-3145, 2019
Bone mineral density in response to increased energy intake in exercising women with oligomenorrhea/amenorrhea: the REFUEL randomized controlled trial
MJ De Souza, EA Ricker, RJ Mallinson, HCM Allaway, KJ Koltun, ...
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 115 (6), 1457-1472, 2022
Current and past menstrual status is an important determinant of femoral neck geometry in exercising women
RJ Mallinson, NI Williams, JC Gibbs, K Koehler, HCM Allaway, ...
Bone 88, 101-112, 2016
Iron status at opposite ends of the menstrual function spectrum
DL Petkus, LE Murray-Kolb, SP Scott, EA Southmayd, MJ De Souza
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 51, 169-175, 2019
Are the effects of oral and vaginal contraceptives on bone formation in young women mediated via the growth hormone-IGF-I axis?
HCM Allaway, M Misra, EA Southmayd, MS Stone, CM Weaver, ...
Frontiers in Endocrinology 11, 334, 2020
Geometric and “true” densitometric characteristics of bones in athletes with stress fracture and menstrual disturbances: a systematic review
RJ Mallinson, EA Southmayd, MJ De Souza
Sports Medicine 49, 1059-1078, 2019
Female military officers report a desire for menstrual suppression during military training
EA Ricker, CW Goforth, AS Barrett, PA Deuster, SJ de la Motte
Military Medicine 186 (Supplement_1), 775-783, 2021
The female athlete triad
MJ De Souza, KJ Koltun, EA Southmayd, NC Aurigemma
The Exercising Female, 66-84, 2018
Barriers and facilitators to implementation of musculoskeletal injury mitigation programmes for military service members around the world: a scoping review
GS Bullock, CE Dartt, EA Ricker, JL Fallowfield, N Arden, D Clifton, ...
Injury Prevention 29 (6), 461-473, 2023
Hormonal Contraception and Medical Readiness for Female Service Members
EA Ricker, KJ Koltun, SJ de la Motte
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2024
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