Alberto Broggi
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Cited by
GOLD: A parallel real-time stereo vision system for generic obstacle and lane detection
M Bertozzi, A Broggi
IEEE transactions on image processing 7 (1), 62-81, 1998
Vision-based intelligent vehicles: State of the art and perspectives
M Bertozzi, A Broggi, A Fascioli
Robotics and Autonomous systems 32 (1), 1-16, 2000
Vision system for an autonomous vehicle
G Schmiedel, CK Yakes, A Broggi
US Patent 8,139,109, 2012
Vehicle diagnostics based on information communicated between vehicles
J Fischer, D Frampton, G Schmiedel, CK Yakes, A Broggi
US Patent 8,947,531, 2015
Pedestrian detection using infrared images and histograms of oriented gradients
F Suard, A Rakotomamonjy, A Bensrhair, A Broggi
2006 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 206-212, 2006
Artificial vision in road vehicles
M Bertozzi, A Broggi, M Cellario, A Fascioli, P Lombardi, M Porta
Proceedings of the IEEE 90 (7), 1258-1271, 2002
Shape-based pedestrian detection
A Broggi, M Bertozzi, A Fascioli, M Sechi
Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2000 (Cat. No …, 2000
Vehicle and guard rail detection using radar and vision data fusion
G Alessandretti, A Broggi, P Cerri
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 8 (1), 95-105, 2007
Stereo inverse perspective mapping: theory and applications
M Bertozz, A Broggi, A Fascioli
Image and vision computing 16 (8), 585-590, 1998
Stereo vision-based vehicle detection
M Bertozzi, A Broggi, A Fascioli, S Nichele
Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2000 (Cat. No …, 2000
The ARGO autonomous vehicle’s vision and control systems
A Broggi, M Bertozzi, A Fascioli, CGL Bianco, A Piazzi
International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems 3 (4), 409-441, 1999
Extensive tests of autonomous driving technologies
A Broggi, M Buzzoni, S Debattisti, P Grisleri, MC Laghi, P Medici, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (3), 1403-1415, 2013
Real time road signs recognition
A Broggi, P Cerri, P Medici, PP Porta, G Ghisio
2007 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 981-986, 2007
Obstacle detection with stereo vision for off-road vehicle navigation
A Broggi, C Caraffi, RI Fedriga, P Grisleri
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
Automatic vehicle guidance: the experience of the ARGO autonomous vehicle
A Broggi
World Scientific, 1999
Apparatus, method for detecting critical areas and pedestrian detection apparatus using the same
A Broggi, P Cerri, H Jung
US Patent 8,164,432, 2012
Vehicle detection by means of stereo vision-based obstacles features extraction and monocular pattern analysis
G Toulminet, M Bertozzi, S Mousset, A Bensrhair, A Broggi
IEEE transactions on Image Processing 15 (8), 2364-2375, 2006
Pedestrian detection for driver assistance using multiresolution infrared vision
M Bertozzi, A Broggi, A Fascioli, T Graf, MM Meinecke
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 53 (6), 1666-1678, 2004
A new approach to urban pedestrian detection for automatic braking
A Broggi, P Cerri, S Ghidoni, P Grisleri, HG Jung
IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems 10 (4), 594-605, 2009
A cooperative approach to vision-based vehicle detection
A Bensrhair, M Bertozzi, A Broggi, P Miche, S Mousset, G Toulminet
ITSC 2001. 2001 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems. Proceedings (Cat …, 2001
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Articles 1–20