Manufacturing planning and control systems for supply chain management: the definitive guide for professionals T Vollmann, W Berry, DC Whybark, FR Jacobs McGraw-Hill Professional 5, 2004 | 3606 | 2004 |
Operations and supply chain management FR Jacobs, RB Chase McGraw-Hill, 2018 | 1841 | 2018 |
Administración de producción y operaciones RB Chase, NJ Aquilano, AG Rocha, FR Jacobs, MC González McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2000 | 1681* | 2000 |
Production and operations management: manufacturing and services RB Chase, NJ Aquilano, FR Jacobs (No Title), 1998 | 945 | 1998 |
Enterprise resource planning (ERP)—A brief history FR Jacobs Journal of operations management 25 (2), 357-363, 2007 | 680 | 2007 |
Manufacturing planning and control for supply chain management FR Jacobs, WL Berry, DC Whybark, TE Vollmann, T Vollmann McGraw-Hill, 2011 | 394 | 2011 |
Administracao Da Producao Para a Vantagem Competit RB Chase, NJ Aquilano, FR Jacobs Bookman, 2006 | 386 | 2006 |
Enterprise resource planning: Developments and directions for operations management research FR Jacobs, E Bendoly European Journal of Operational Research 146 (2), 233-240, 2003 | 376 | 2003 |
Operations & Supply Chain Management K Haase | 217* | 2018 |
A simulation comparison of group technology with traditional job shop manufacturing BB Flynn, F Robert Jacobs International Journal of Production Research 24 (5), 1171-1192, 1986 | 203 | 1986 |
Batch construction heuristics and storage assignment strategies for walk/ride and pick systems RA Ruben, FR Jacobs Management Science 45 (4), 575-596, 1999 | 187 | 1999 |
Sistemas de planejamento e controle da produção WL BERRY, TE Vollmann, W D CLAY, FR Jacobs Bookman, 2006 | 183 | 2006 |
Repetitive lots: Flow‐time reductions through sequencing and dynamic batch sizing FR Jacobs, DJ Bragg Decision sciences 19 (2), 281-294, 1988 | 182 | 1988 |
Applications and implementation: an experimental comparison of cellular (group technology) layout with process layout BB Flynn, FR Jacobs Decision Sciences 18 (4), 562-581, 1987 | 172 | 1987 |
OPT uncovered: many production planning and scheduling concepts can be applied with or without the software FR Jacobs Industrial Engineering 16 (10), 32-41, 1984 | 165 | 1984 |
Why ERP? A primer on SAP implementation FR Jacobs, DC Whybark McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2000 | 160 | 2000 |
Playing the beer distribution game over the internet FR Jacobs Production and Operations Management 9 (1), 31-39, 2000 | 147 | 2000 |
Solutions for the constrained dynamic facility layout problem J Balakrishnan, FR Jacobs, MA Venkataramanan European Journal of Operational Research 57 (2), 280-286, 1992 | 144 | 1992 |
Manajemen operasi dan rantai pasokan FR Jacobs, RB Chase Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2015 | 137 | 2015 |
Tour scheduling and task assignment of a heterogeneous work force: A heuristic approach JS Loucks, FR Jacobs Decision Sciences 22 (4), 719-738, 1991 | 127 | 1991 |