Outi Vaarala
Outi Vaarala
RIA IMED AstraZeneca
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The dynamics of the human infant gut microbiome in development and in progression toward type 1 diabetes
AD Kostic, D Gevers, H Siljander, T Vatanen, T Hyötyläinen, ...
Cell host & microbe 17 (2), 260-273, 2015
Environmental triggers and determinants of type 1 diabetes
M Knip, R Veijola, SM Virtanen, H Hyoty, O Vaarala, HK Akerblom
Diabetes 54 (suppl_2), S125-S136, 2005
Fecal microbiota composition differs between children with β-cell autoimmunity and those without
MC De Goffau, K Luopajärvi, M Knip, J Ilonen, T Ruohtula, T Härkönen, ...
Diabetes 62 (4), 1238-1244, 2013
The “perfect storm” for type 1 diabetes: the complex interplay between intestinal microbiota, gut permeability, and mucosal immunity
O Vaarala, MA Atkinson, J Neu
Diabetes 57 (10), 2555-2562, 2008
GAD treatment and insulin secretion in recent-onset type 1 diabetes
J Ludvigsson, M Faresjö, M Hjorth, S Axelsson, M Chéramy, M Pihl, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 359 (18), 1909-1920, 2008
AS03 adjuvanted AH1N1 vaccine associated with an abrupt increase in the incidence of childhood narcolepsy in Finland
H Nohynek, J Jokinen, M Partinen, O Vaarala, T Kirjavainen, J Sundman, ...
PloS one 7 (3), e33536, 2012
Environmental factors in the etiology of type 1 diabetes
HK Åkerblom, O Vaarala, H Hyöty, J Ilonen, M Knip
American journal of medical genetics 115 (1), 18-29, 2002
Crossreaction between antibodies to oxidised low-density lipoprotein and to cardiolipin in systemic lupus erythematosus
O Vaarala, K Aho, T Palosuo, G Alfthan, M Jauhiainen, M Leirisalo-Repo
The Lancet 341 (8850), 923-925, 1993
Lactobacillus GG effect in increasing IFN-γ production in infants with cow's milk allergy
E Pohjavuori, M Viljanen, R Korpela, M Kuitunen, M Tiittanen, O Vaarala, ...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 114 (1), 131-136, 2004
Anti-cardiolipin antibodies and risk of myocardial infarction in a prospective cohort of middle-aged men
O Vaarala, M Mänttäri, V Manninen, L Tenkanen, M Puurunen, K Aho, ...
Circulation 91 (1), 23-27, 1995
Dietary intervention in infancy and later signs of beta-cell autoimmunity
M Knip, SM Virtanen, K Seppä, J Ilonen, E Savilahti, O Vaarala, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 363 (20), 1900-1908, 2010
IL-17 immunity in human type 1 diabetes
J Honkanen, JK Nieminen, R Gao, K Luopajarvi, HM Salo, J Ilonen, ...
The Journal of Immunology 185 (3), 1959-1967, 2010
Antibody against oxidized low-density lipoprotein predicting myocardial infarction
M Puurunen, M Mänttäri, V Manninen, L Tenkanen, G Alfthan, C Ehnholm, ...
Archives of internal medicine 154 (22), 2605-2609, 1994
Narcolepsy as an autoimmune disease: the role of H1N1 infection and vaccination
M Partinen, BR Kornum, G Plazzi, P Jennum, I Julkunen, O Vaarala
The Lancet Neurology 13 (6), 600-613, 2014
Anticardiolipin response in acute infections
O Vaarala, T Palosuo, M Kleemola, K Aho
Clinical immunology and immunopathology 41 (1), 8-15, 1986
Antibodies to influenza nucleoprotein cross-react with human hypocretin receptor 2
SS Ahmed, W Volkmuth, J Duca, L Corti, M Pallaoro, A Pezzicoli, A Karle, ...
Science translational medicine 7 (294), 294ra105-294ra105, 2015
A TLR4 polymorphism is associated with asthma and reduced lipopolysaccharide-induced interleukin-12 (p70) responses in Swedish children
MF Böttcher, M Hmani-Aifa, A Lindström, MC Jenmalm, XM Mai, L Nilsson, ...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 114 (3), 561-567, 2004
Cow's milk formula feeding induces primary immunization to insulin in infants at genetic risk for type 1 diabetes.
O Vaarala, M Knip, J Paronen, AM Hämäläinen, P Muona, M Väätäinen, ...
Diabetes 48 (7), 1389-1394, 1999
IL-23/IL-17 immunity as a hallmark of Crohn's disease
V Hölttä, P Klemetti, T Sipponen, M Westerholm-Ormio, G Kociubinski, ...
Inflammatory bowel diseases 14 (9), 1175-1184, 2008
Patterns of β-cell autoantibody appearance and genetic associations during the first years of life
J Ilonen, A Hammais, AP Laine, J Lempainen, O Vaarala, R Veijola, ...
Diabetes 62 (10), 3636-3640, 2013
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Articles 1–20