Desarrollo de estrategias de afrontamiento efectivas para reducir el acoso escolar y su impacto en las víctimas estables JA Mora Merchán, ER Espino Peñate, R Rey Alamillo Psychology, Society & Education, 13 (3), 55-66., 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
Effective coping with cyberbullying in boys and girls: the mediating role of self-awareness, responsible decision-making, and social support E Espino, A Guarini, R Del Rey Current Psychology 42 (36), 32134-32146, 2023 | 16 | 2023 |
Violence among adolescents: A study of overlapping of bullying, cyberbullying, sexual harassment, dating violence and cyberdating violence E Espino, J Ortega-Rivera, M Ojeda, V Sánchez-Jiménez, R Del Rey Child Abuse & Neglect 134, 105921, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Why are some victims also bullies? The role of peer relationship management and anger regulation in traditional bullying E Espino, A Guarini, L Menabò, R Del Rey Youth & Society 55 (6), 1056-1078, 2023 | 12 | 2023 |
Outlining individual and contextual factors related to LGBTQ+ bullying: a systematic review of two decades of research E Espino, O Jiménez-Díaz, R Del Rey, P Elipe Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 25 (2), 898-917, 2024 | 8 | 2024 |
Development of effective coping strategies to reduce school bullying and their impact on stable victims J Mora-Merchán, E Espino, R Del Rey Psychology, Society & Education 13 (3), 55-66, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Even if They Don't Say It to You, It Hurts Too: Internalized Homonegativity in LGBTQ+ Cyberbullying among Adolescents. M Ojeda, E Espino, P Elipe, R Del-Rey Comunicar: Media Education Research Journal 31 (75), 21-34, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Bullying R Del Rey, E Espino, M Ojeda, JA Mora‐Merchán The Wiley‐Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, 591-608, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Aunque no te lo digan, también duele: La homonegatividad internalizada en el ciberacoso LGBTQ+ en adolescentes MO Pérez, ERE Peñate, PE Muñoz, R del Rey Alamillo Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 21-35, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Bullying, cyberbullying, and sexual harassment aggression in Spanish adolescents: common and differential risk factors V Sánchez-Jiménez, ML Rodríguez-deArriba, N Muñoz-Fernández, ... Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 32 (9), 1221-1236, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Cyberbullying interventions for victims and bullies: Contemporary approaches E Espino, JA Mora-Merchán, R Del Rey, C Mc Guckin Cyberbullying and Values Education, 104-121, 2024 | | 2024 |
7 Cyberbullying interventions for victims and bullies E Espino, JA Mora-Merchán, R Del Rey, C Mc Guckin Cyberbullying and Values Education: Implications for Family and School Education, 2023 | | 2023 |
Acoso escolar y ciberacoso: coimplicación, estabilidad, factores explicativos y situaciones de vulnerabilidad ER Espino Peñate | | 2023 |
Programa agente tutor/a: Una experiencia de colaboración entre alumnado universitario de Master y la Policía local del Sevilla OJ Díaz, E Espino, M Ojeda, R del Rey Libro de resúmenes. I Jornadas internacionales de innovación docente …, 2023 | | 2023 |
Effective coping with cyberbullying in boys and girls: the mediating role of self-awareness, responsible decision-making, and social support ER Espino Peñate, A Guarini, R Rey Alamillo Current Psychology, 42 (36), 32134-32146., 2023 | | 2023 |
Aunque no te lo digan, también duele: La homonegatividad internalizada en el ciberacoso LGBTQ+ en adolescentes M Ojeda Pérez, ER Espino Peñate, P Elipe Muñoz, R Rey Alamillo Comunicar, 31 (75), 21-35., 2023 | | 2023 |
Violence among adolescents: A study of overlapping of bullying, cyberbullying, sexual harassment, dating violence and cyberdating violence ER Espino Peñate, FJ Ortega Rivera, M Ojeda Pérez, V Sánchez Jiménez, ... Child Abuse & Neglect, 134, 105921., 2022 | | 2022 |
Exploratory survey (2021) on bullying and cyberbullying, and its associated socio-emotional and familiar variables:[dataset] ER Espino Peñate, R Rey Alamillo | | 2022 |
Bullying: Claves para su detección, prevención e intervención psicoeducativa R Rey Alamillo, ER Espino Peñate Bullying: Impactos na educação: O que sabemos a respeito da sobredotação?, 2022 | | 2022 |
Experiencia de innovación en el Grado de Educación Primaria: El valor de las interacciones para transformar las ideas ER Espino Peñate Ciclos de mejora en el aula, año 2020: Experiencias de Innovación Docente de …, 2020 | | 2020 |