Izabela Szczech
Cited by
Cited by
Properties of rule interestingness measures and alternative approaches to normalization of measures
S Greco, R Słowinski, I Szczech
Information Sciences 216, 1-16, 2012
On the dynamics of classification measures for imbalanced and streaming data
D Brzezinski, J Stefanowski, R Susmaga, I Szczech
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (8), 2868-2878, 2019
Visual-based analysis of classification measures and their properties for class imbalanced problems
D Brzezinski, J Stefanowski, R Susmaga, I Szczȩch
Information Sciences 462, 242-261, 2018
Mining pareto-optimal rules with respect to support and confirmation or support and anti-support
I Brzezinska, S Greco, R Slowinski
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 20 (5), 587-600, 2007
Measures of rule interestingness in various perspectives of confirmation
S Greco, R Słowiński, I Szczęch
Information Sciences 346, 216-235, 2016
Multicriteria attractiveness evaluation of decision and association rules
I Szczȩch
Transactions on Rough Sets X, 197-274, 2009
Can interestingness measures be usefully visualized?
R Susmaga, I Szczęch
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 25 (2 …, 2015
Analysis of symmetry properties for bayesian confirmation measures
S Greco, R Słowiński, I Szczęch
Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology: 7th International Conference, RSKT 2012 …, 2012
Application of Bayesian confirmation measures for mining rules from support-confidence Pareto-optimal set
R Slowinski, I Brzezinska, S Greco
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 1018 …, 2006
MSD-space: Visualizing the inner-workings of TOPSIS aggregations
R Susmaga, I Szczȩch, P Zielniewicz, D Brzezinski
European Journal of Operational Research 308 (1), 229-242, 2023
Finding meaningful Bayesian confirmation measures
S Greco, R Słowiński, I Szczęch
Fundamenta Informaticae 127 (1-4), 161-176, 2013
Assessing the Quality of Rules with a New Monotonic Interestingness Measure Z
S Greco, R Słowiński, I Szczȩch
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing–ICAISC 2008: 9th International …, 2008
Towards explainable TOPSIS: Visual insights into the effects of weights and aggregations on rankings
R Susmaga, I Szczęch, D Brzezinski
Applied Soft Computing 153, 111279, 2024
Mining association rules with respect to support and anti-support-experimental results
R Słowiński, I Szczęch, M Urbanowicz, S Greco
Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms: International Conference …, 2007
Analysis of monotonicity properties of some rule interestingness measures
S Greco, R Słowiński, I Szczęch
Control and Cybernetics 38 (1), 9-25, 2009
Visualization support for the analysis of properties of interestingness measures
R Susmaga, I Szczęch
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences 63 (1), 315-327, 2015
Increasing the interpretability of rules induced from imbalanced data by using Bayesian confirmation measures
K Napierała, J Stefanowski, I Szczȩch
International Workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns, 84-98, 2016
Selected group-theoretic aspects of confirmation measure symmetries
R Susmaga, I Szczęch
Information Sciences 346, 424-441, 2016
Visualization of interestingness measures
R Susmaga, I Szczech
Proceedings of the 6th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language …, 2013
Visual-based detection of properties of confirmation measures
R Susmaga, I Szczęch
Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 21st International Symposium, ISMIS 2014 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20