Fabrice Lamarche
Fabrice Lamarche
Associate professor, University of Rennes 1
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A review of classification algorithms for EEG-based brain–computer interfaces
F Lotte, M Congedo, A Lécuyer, F Lamarche, B Arnaldi
Journal of neural engineering 4 (2), R1, 2007
Crowd of virtual humans: a new approach for real time navigation in complex and structured environments
F Lamarche, S Donikian
Computer graphics forum 23 (3), 509-518, 2004
A real-time cinematography system for interactive 3d environments
C Lino, M Christie, F Lamarche, S Guy, P Olivier
SCA'10 Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on …, 2010
Exploring large virtual environments by thoughts using a brain–computer interface based on motor imagery and high-level commands
F Lotte, A Van Langhenhove, F Lamarche, T Ernest, Y Renard, B Arnaldi, ...
Presence: teleoperators and virtual environments 19 (1), 54-70, 2010
Topoplan: a topological path planner for real time human navigation under floor and ceiling constraints
F Lamarche
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (2), 649-658, 2009
Open-ViBE: a three dimensional platform for real-time neuroscience
C Arrouët, M Congedo, JE Marvie, F Lamarche, A Lécuyer, B Arnaldi
Journal of Neurotherapy 9 (1), 3-25, 2005
Automatic orchestration of behaviours through the management of resources and priority levels
F Lamarche, S Donikian
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2002
Studying the use of fuzzy inference systems for motor imagery classification
L Fabien, L Anatole, L Fabrice, A Bruno
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 15 (2 …, 2007
Automated staging for virtual cinematography
A Louarn, M Christie, F Lamarche
Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and …, 2018
A cinematography system for virtual storytelling
N Courty, F Lamarche, S Donikian, É Marchand
Virtual Storytelling. Using Virtual RealityTechnologies for Storytelling …, 2003
A programming environment for behavioural animation
F Devillers, S Donikian, F Lamarche, JF Taille
The journal of visualization and computer animation 13 (5), 263-274, 2002
From geometry to spatial reasoning: automatic structuring of 3d virtual environments
CJ Jorgensen, F Lamarche
Motion in Games: 4th International Conference, MIG 2011, Edinburgh, UK …, 2011
Space‐time planning in changing environments: using dynamic objects for accessibility
T Lopez, F Lamarche, TY Li
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 23 (2), 87-99, 2012
The orchestration of behaviours using resources and priority levels
F Lamarche, S Donikian
Computer Animation and Simulation 2001: Proceedings of the Eurographics …, 2001
Humanoïdes virtuels, réaction et cognition: une architecture pour leur autonomie.
F Lamarche
Université Rennes 1, 2003
Classification de données cérébrales par système d'inférence flou pour l'utilisation d'interfaces cerveau-ordinateur en réalité virtuelle
F Lotte, A Lécuyer, Y Renard, F Lamarche, B Arnaldi
1ères journées de l'AFRV, 2006
Space and time constrained task scheduling for crowd simulation
CJ Jorgensen, F Lamarche
An interactive staging-and-shooting solver for virtual cinematography
A Louarn, Q Galvane, F Lamarche, M Christie
Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and …, 2020
A simulation model of pedestrian wayfinding behaviour in familiar environments
A Bouguetitiche, F Cherif, F Lamarche
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 61 (3), 183-197, 2019
A Spatio-temporal Reasoning System for Virtual Camera Planning
M Christie, F Lamarche, F Benhamou
International Symposium on Smart Graphics, 119-127, 2009
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Articles 1–20