Elin Naurin
Elin Naurin
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Zweryfikowany adres z pol.gu.se - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
The fulfillment of parties’ election pledges: A comparative study on the impact of power sharing
R Thomson, T Royed, E Naurin, J Artés, R Costello, L Ennser‐Jedenastik, ...
American Journal of Political Science 61 (3), 527-542, 2017
Election promises, party behaviour and voter perceptions
E Naurin
Springer, 2011
Is a promise a promise? Election pledge fulfilment in comparative perspective using Sweden as an example
E Naurin
West European Politics 37 (5), 1046-1064, 2014
Party mandates and democracy: Making, breaking, and keeping election pledges in twelve countries
E Naurin, TJ Royed, R Thomson
New Comparative Politics, 2019
Pregnant under the pressure of a pandemic: a large-scale longitudinal survey before and during the COVID-19 outbreak
E Naurin, E Markstedt, D Stolle, D Enström, A Wallin, I Andreasson, ...
European journal of public health 31 (1), 7-13, 2021
Joaquín Artés, Rory Costello, Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik, Mark Ferguson, Petia Kostadinova, Catherine Moury, François Pétry und Katrin Praprotnik. 2017. The Fulfillment of …
R Thomson, T Royed, E Naurin
American Journal of Political Science 61 (3), 527-542, 0
Party-constrained policy responsiveness: A survey experiment on politicians’ response to citizen-initiated contacts
P Öhberg, E Naurin
British Journal of Political Science 46 (4), 785-797, 2016
Promising ever more: An empirical account of Swedish parties’ pledge making during 20 years
N Håkansson, E Naurin
Party Politics 22 (3), 393-404, 2016
Asymmetric accountability: An experimental investigation of biases in evaluations of governments’ election pledges
E Naurin, S Soroka, N Markwat
Comparative Political Studies 52 (13-14), 2207-2234, 2019
When and why are voters correct in their evaluations of specific government performance?
E Naurin, HE Oscarsson
Political Studies 65 (4), 860-876, 2017
Samverkan och strid i den parlamentariska demokratin
J Lindvall, H Bäck, C Dahlström, E Naurin, J Teorell
SNS förlag, 2017
Promising democracy. parties, citizens and election promises
E Naurin
rapport nr.: Gothenburg Studies in Politics 118, 2009
Individual-level differences in negativity biases in news selection
S Bachleda, FG Neuner, S Soroka, L Guggenheim, P Fournier, E Naurin
Personality and Individual Differences 155, 109675, 2020
The program-to-policy linkage: a comparative study of election pledges and government policies in ten countries
R Thomson, T Royed, E Naurin, J Artes, M Ferguson, P Kostadinova, ...
APSA 2012 Annual Meeting Paper, 2012
Sweden’s parliamentary democracy at 100
J Lindvall, H Bäck, C Dahlström, E Naurin, J Teorell
Parliamentary Affairs 73 (3), 477-502, 2020
Gender stereotyping and chivalry in international negotiations: A survey experiment in the Council of the European Union
D Naurin, E Naurin, A Alexander
International Organization 73 (2), 469-488, 2019
Ethics in elite experiments: a perspective of officials and voters
E Naurin, P Öhberg
British Journal of Political Science 51 (2), 890-898, 2021
Can you deliver a baby and vote? The effect of the first stages of parenthood on voter turnout
Y Bhatti, KM Hansen, E Naurin, D Stolle, H Wass
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 29 (1), 61-81, 2019
Party representatives’ adaptation to election results: Dyadic responsiveness revisited
DM Butler, E Naurin, P Öhberg
Comparative Political Studies 50 (14), 1973-1997, 2017
Promising democracy
E Naurin, E Naurin
Election Promises, Party Behaviour and Voter Perceptions, 147-158, 2011
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