Безопасность жизнедеятельности ВИ Бондин, ЮГ Семехин Москва. ИНФРА-М АКАДЕМЦЕНТР, 2013 | 713* | 2013 |
Fitness yoga as modern technology of special health groups’ girl students’ psycho-physical condition and psycho-social health strengthening NV Skurikhina, MD Kudryavtsev, VA Kuzmin, S Iermakov Physical education of students 2, 24-31, 2016 | 82 | 2016 |
Formation of active-effective attitude of 12-13 years’ judo athletes to sports functioning in competition period AA Bliznevsky, MD Kudryavtsev, SS Iermakov, W Jagiełło | 82 | 2016 |
Повышение уровня физической подготовленности курсантов образовательных организациях высшего образования МВД России на основе физических упражнений функционального многоборья … АГ Галимова, МД Кудрявцев, АН Толстихин Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета МВД России, 160-163, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |
The use of functional training–crossfit methods to improve the level of special training of athletes who specialize in combat sambo A Osipov, M Kudryavtsev, K Gatilov, T Zhavner, Y Klimuk, E Ponomareva, ... Journal of Physical Education and Sport 17 (3), 2013-2018, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |
Change of cortisol and insulin content in blood under influence of special workability recreation system for students with high motor functioning level ZL Kozina, SS Iermakov, VA Kuzmin, MD Kudryavtsev, GJ Galimov Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 7 (2 …, 2016 | 69 | 2016 |
Физическая культура ЛВ Захарова, НВ Люлина, МД Кудрявцев, ОН Московченко, ДА Шубин Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего …, 2017 | 68 | 2017 |
Influence of personal characteristics of pupils and students on the effectiveness of the relationship to the specific physical activities A Bliznevsky, M Kudryavtsev, V Kuzmin, I Tolstopyatov, O Ionova, ... Journal of Physical Education and Sport 16 (2), 424, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |
Topics of doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations devoted to judo in period 2000-2016–the overall analysis of works of Russian experts A Osipov, M Kudryavtsev, S Iermakov, W Jagello | 57 | 2017 |
The impact of the universities closure on physical activity and academic performance in physical education in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic AY Osipov, TI Ratmanskaya, EA Zemba, V Potop, MD Kudryavtsev, ... Physical education of students 25 (1), 20-27, 2021 | 56 | 2021 |
Modern methodic of power cardio training in students’ physical education AY Osipov, MD Kudryavtsev, IE Kramida, SS Iermakov, VA Kuzmin, ... Physical education of students 20 (6), 34-39, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Successfulness of general and special physical qualities' development on different stage of students-boxers' training AV Gaskov, VA Kuzmin, MD Kudryavtsev, S Iermakov Physical education of students 1, 4-11, 2016 | 52 | 2016 |
Методика обучения младших школьников двигательным действиям на основе теории учебной деятельности МД Кудрявцев Academia, 2003 | 52 | 2003 |
Personality oriented system of strengthening of students' physical, psychic and social-moral health MD Kudryavtsev, YA Kopylov, VA Kuzmin, OM Ionova, TS Yermakova Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені ГС Сковороди, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |
Analysis level of the special proficiency of cadets and officers of the Internal Affairs authorities of the Russian Federation to the physical interdictory effort by criminals A Osipov, M Kudryavtsev, A Galimova, T Zhavner, P Fedorova, ... | 49 | 2017 |
Кисломолочный продукт для спортивного питания ЛМ Захарова, ИН Пушмина, ВВ Пушмина, МД Кудрявцев, ... Человек. Спорт. Медицина 19 (S1), 128-136, 2019 | 48 | 2019 |
Особенности применения методики обучения младших школьников двигательным действиям на основе теории учебной деятельности МД Кудрявцев Теория и практика физической культуры, 55-57, 2003 | 47 | 2003 |
Substantiation of effectiveness of trainings on health related methodic for students with weakened motor fitness VA Kuzmin, YA Kopylov, MD Kudryavtsev, GY Galimov, S Iermakov Physical education of students 6, 43-49, 2015 | 45 | 2015 |
Formation of professionally important qualities of students with weakened motor fitness using a health related and sport-oriented training program VA Kuzmin, YA Kopylov, MD Kudryavtsev, IA Tolstopyatov, GY Galimov, ... | 44 | 2016 |
Методика развития гибкости у студентов вузов МД Кудрявцев, ТА Мартиросова, ЛН Яцковская Красноярский государственный торгово-экономический институт, 2010 | 44 | 2010 |