jasmeet kaur
jasmeet kaur
Panjab University Chandigarh
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Candidates for Twin Chiral Bands in
D Tonev, MS Yavahchova, N Goutev, G De Angelis, P Petkov, ...
Physical Review Letters 112 (5), 052501, 2014
SH-waves at a corrugated interface between a dry sandy half-space and an anisotropic elastic half-space
SK Tomar, J Kaur
Acta Mechanica 190 (1), 1-28, 2007
Enhanced transition strength in
R Kumar, P Doornenbal, A Jhingan, RK Bhowmik, S Muralithar, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 81 (2), 024306, 2010
Rotational behavior of
M Saxena, R Kumar, A Jhingan, S Mandal, A Stolarz, A Banerjee, ...
Physical Review C 90 (2), 024316, 2014
Reflection and refraction of SH-waves at a corrugated interface between two laterally and vertically heterogeneous viscoelastic solid half-spaces
J Kaur, SK Tomar, VP Kaushik
International Journal of solids and Structures 42 (13), 3621-3643, 2005
Photofission experiments at ELI-NP
D Balabanski, F Ibrahim, A Krasznahorkay, İ BOZTOSUN, D Choudhury, ...
Romanian Reports in Physics 68, 2016
Reflection and transmission of SH-waves at a corrugated interface between two laterally and vertically heterogeneous anisotropic elastic solid half-spaces
SK Tomar, J Kaur
Earth, planets and space 55, 531-547, 2003
High spin spectroscopy and shears mechanism in
D Negi, T Trivedi, A Dhal, S Kumar, V Kumar, S Roy, MK Raju, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 81 (5), 054322, 2010
Recent target development activities at inter-university accelerator centre
SR Abhilash, J Gehlot, T Banerjee, K Selvakumar, J Kaur, D Kabiraj
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 305, 749-753, 2015
Shear waves at a corrugated interface between anisotropic elastic and visco-elastic solid half-spaces
SK Tomar, J Kaur
Journal of seismology 11, 235-258, 2007
ELIGANT-GN—ELI Gamma above neutron threshold: The Gamma-neutron setup
PA Söderström, E Açıksöz, DL Balabanski, F Camera, L Capponi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2022
Reflection and refraction of SH‐waves at a corrugated interface between two monoclinic elastic half‐spaces
J Kaur, SK Tomar
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2004
Shears mechanism in In
D Negi, T Trivedi, A Dhal, S Kumar, V Kumar, S Roy, MK Raju, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (5), 057301, 2012
factors of and isomeric states in Ba
J Kaur, AK Bhati, N Bansal, V Kumar, VR Sharma, H Kumar, R Kumar, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (6), 064312, 2013
Probing isospin mixing with the giant dipole resonance in the compound nucleus
G Gosta, A Mentana, F Camera, A Bracco, S Ceruti, G Benzoni, N Blasi, ...
Physical Review C 103 (4), L041302, 2021
Level scheme investigation of 102Rh
N Goutev, MS Yavahchova, D Tonev, G de Angelis, P Petkov, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 366 (1), 012021, 2012
g-factor and quadrupole moment of the 212− isomeric state in 131La: Signature for a weakly-deformed magnetic rotational band head
J Kaur, N Bansal, AK Bhati, R Kumar, VR Sharma, K Kapoor, V Kumar, ...
Physics Letters B 765, 317-322, 2017
Future prospects of nuclear reactions induced by gamma-ray beams at ELI-NP
D Filipescu, DL Balabanski, F Camera, I Gheorghe, D Ghita, T Glodariu, ...
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 48, 134-138, 2017
g-factors of 11
N Bansal, J Kaur, K Kapoor, AK Bhati, R Kumar, V Kumar
Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys 59, 68, 2014
Prospective of nuclear magnetic moment measurements by photofission reactions at ELI-NP
J Kaur, DL Balabanski, G Georgiev, P Constantin
Hyperfine Interactions 240, 1-8, 2019
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Articles 1–20