William Martin
William Martin
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Cited by
A survey of app store analysis for software engineering
W Martin, F Sarro, Y Jia, Y Zhang, M Harman
IEEE transactions on software engineering 43 (9), 817-847, 2017
The app sampling problem for app store mining
W Martin, M Harman, Y Jia, F Sarro, Y Zhang
2015 IEEE/ACM 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 123-133, 2015
Causal impact analysis for app releases in google play
W Martin, F Sarro, M Harman
Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on …, 2016
Investigating the relationship between price, rating, and popularity in the Blackberry World App Store
A Finkelstein, M Harman, Y Jia, W Martin, F Sarro, Y Zhang
Information and Software Technology 87, 119-139, 2017
Feature lifecycles as they spread, migrate, remain, and die in app stores
F Sarro, AA Al-Subaihin, M Harman, Y Jia, W Martin, Y Zhang
2015 IEEE 23rd International requirements engineering conference (RE), 76-85, 2015
App store analysis: Mining app stores for relationships between customer, business and technical characteristics
A Finkelstein, M Harman, Y Jia, W Martin, F Sarro, Y Zhang
RN 14 (10), 24, 2014
App store mining and analysis
A Al-Subaihin, A Finkelstein, M Harman, Y Jia, W Martin, F Sarro, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Development …, 2015
Deep neural networks for appliance transient classification
P Davies, J Dennis, J Hansom, W Martin, A Stankevicius, L Ward
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Causal impact analysis applied to app releases in google play and windows phone store
W Martin, F Sarro, M Harman
RN 15 (07), 2015
Mobile app and app store analysis, testing and optimisation
M Harman, A Al-Subaihin, Y Jia, W Martin, F Sarro, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering …, 2016
Causal impact for app store analysis
W Martin
Proceedings of the 38th international conference on software engineering …, 2016
App store analysis for software engineering
WJ Martin
UCL (University College London), 2017
Life and death in the app store: Theory and analysis of feature migration
F Sarro, M Harman, Y Jia, W Martin, Y Zhang
RN 14, 12, 2014
App Store Mining and Analysis (Keynote)
A Al-Subaihin, A Finkelstein, M Harman, Y Jia, W Martin, F Sarro, Y Zhang
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Articles 1–14