Li Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Optimal UAV caching and trajectory in aerial-assisted vehicular networks: A learning-based approach
H Wu, F Lyu, C Zhou, J Chen, L Wang, X Shen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (12), 2783-2797, 2020
Caching based socially-aware D2D communications in wireless content delivery networks: a hypergraph framework
B Bai, L Wang, Z Han, W Chen, T Svensson
IEEE Wireless Communications 23 (4), 74-81, 2016
Performance Analysis of NOMA-SM in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Massive MIMO Channels
BJ Yingyang Chen, Li Wang, Yutong Ai
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (12), 2653 - 2666, 2017
Computation offloading with data caching enhancement for mobile edge computing
S Yu, R Langar, X Fu, L Wang, Z Han
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (11), 11098-11112, 2018
Exploiting full duplex for device-to-device communications in heterogeneous networks
L Wang, F Tian, T Svensson, D Feng, M Song, S Li
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2015
Resource allocation for D2D communications underlay in Rayleigh fading channels
L Wang, H Tang, H Wu, GL Stüber
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (2), 1159-1170, 2016
Fast Pairing of Device-to-Device Link Underlay for Spectrum Sharing With Cellular Users
Communications Letters, IEEE 18 (10), 1803-1806, 2014
Hypergraph-based wireless distributed storage optimization for cellular D2D underlays
L Wang, H Wu, Y Ding, W Chen, HV Poor
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (10), 2650-2666, 2016
Secrecy Enhancement Analysis Against Unknown Eavesdropping in Spatial Modulation
L Wang, S Bashar, Y Wei, R Li
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (8), 1351 - 1354, 2015
Matching-theory-based low-latency scheme for multitask federated learning in MEC networks
D Chen, CS Hong, L Wang, Y Zha, Y Zhang, X Liu, Z Han
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (14), 11415-11426, 2021
Multi-hop cooperative caching in social IoT using matching theory
L Wang, H Wu, Z Han, P Zhang, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (4), 2127-2145, 2017
Secure multiuser MIMO downlink transmission via precoding-aided spatial modulation
Y Chen, L Wang, Z Zhao, M Ma, B Jiao
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (6), 1116-1119, 2016
Socially enabled wireless networks: resource allocation via bipartite graph matching
L Wang, H Wu, W Wang, KC Chen.
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (10), 128-135, 2015
Device-to-Device Link Admission Policy Based on Social Interaction Information
L Wang, H Tang, M Cierny
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 64 (9), 4180-4186, 2014
UAV-assisted wireless charging for energy-constrained IoT devices using dynamic matching
C Su, F Ye, LC Wang, L Wang, Y Tian, Z Han
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (6), 4789-4800, 2020
Minimizing packet expiration loss with path planning in UAV-assisted data sensing
W Li, L Wang, A Fei
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 8 (6), 1520-1523, 2019
Cooperative jamming-aided secrecy enhancement in P2P communications with social interaction constraints
L Wang, H Wu, GL Stüber
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (2), 1144-1158, 2016
Delay-minimized edge caching in heterogeneous vehicular networks: A matching-based approach
H Wu, J Chen, W Xu, N Cheng, W Shi, L Wang, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (10), 6409-6424, 2020
Wireless distributed storage in socially enabled D2D communications
L Wang, H Wu, Z Han
IEEE Access 4, 1971-1984, 2016
Mean field game guided deep reinforcement learning for task placement in cooperative multiaccess edge computing
D Shi, H Gao, L Wang, M Pan, Z Han, HV Poor
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (10), 9330-9340, 2020
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Articles 1–20