Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos
Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos
Section of Mathematics, University of Geneva
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Cited by
Experimental evaluation and cross-benchmarking of univariate real solvers
M Hemmer, EP Tsigaridas, Z Zafeirakopoulos, IZ Emiris, MI Karavelas, ...
Proceedings of the 2009 conference on Symbolic numeric computation, 45-54, 2009
s-Lecture hall partitions, self-reciprocal polynomials, and Gorenstein cones
M Beck, B Braun, M Köppe, CD Savage, Z Zafeirakopoulos
The Ramanujan Journal 36 (1), 123-147, 2015
Polyhedral omega: A new algorithm for solving linear diophantine systems
F Breuer, Z Zafeirakopoulos
Annals of Combinatorics 21, 211-280, 2017
Generating functions and triangulations for lecture hall cones
M Beck, B Braun, M Koppe, CD Savage, Z Zafeirakopoulos
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 30 (3), 1470-1479, 2016
On Computing the Elimination Ideal Using Resultants with Applications to Gröbner Bases (2013)
M Gallet, H Rahkooy, Z Zafeirakopoulos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.5330, 0
On the geometry and the topology of parametric curves
C Katsamaki, F Rouillier, E Tsigaridas, Z Zafeirakopoulos
Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic …, 2020
Minkowski decomposition and geometric predicates in sparse implicitization
IZ Emiris, C Konaxis, Z Zafeirakopoulos
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and …, 2015
Cross-benchmarks of univariate algebraic kernels
I Emiris, M Hemmer, M Karavelas, S Limbach, B Mourrain, EP Tsigaridas, ...
ACS-TR-363602-02, INRIA, MPI and NUA, 2008
Efficient computation of dual space and directional multiplicity of an isolated point
A Mantzaflaris, H Rahkooy, Z Zafeirakopoulos
Computer Aided Geometric Design 47, 114-129, 2016
Using resultants for inductive Gröbner bases computation
H Rahkooy, Z Zafeirakopoulos
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 45 (1/2), 135-136, 2011
PTOPO: Computing the geometry and the topology of parametric curves
C Katsamaki, F Rouillier, E Tsigaridas, Z Zafeirakopoulos
Journal of Symbolic Computation 115, 427-451, 2023
On the space of Minkowski summands of a convex polytope
IZ Emiris, A Karasoulou, E Tzanaki, Z Zafeirakopoulos
32st European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), Book of Abstracts …, 2016
PTOPO: A Maple package for the topology of parametric curves
C Katsamaki, F Rouillier, E Tsigaridas, Z Zafeirakopoulos
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 54 (2), 49-52, 2020
An Algebraic Framework for Extending Orthogonal Designs
C Koukouvinos, DE Simos, Z Zafeirakopoulos
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 45 (1/2), 123-124, 2011
A Julia Package for Polyhedral Omega and Applications
T Ayyıldız, DN Demirel, I Tapan, Z Zafeirakopoulos
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 58 (2), 39-42, 2025
A Gröbner bases method for complementary sequences
C Koukouvinos, DE Simos, Z Zafeirakopoulos
Proceedings of Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA), 255, 2013
Partition analysis via polyhedral geometry
F Breuer, Z Zafeirakopoulos
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 46 (3/4), 76-77, 2013
On the average complexity for the verification of compatible sequences
C Koukouvinos, V Pillwein, DE Simos, Z Zafeirakopoulos
Information Processing Letters 111 (17), 825-830, 2011
Experimental evaluation and cross-benchmarking of univariate real solvers
IZ Emiris, M Hemmer, M Karavelas, B Mourrain, EPP Tsigaridas, ...
Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences: 8th International Conference, MACIS 2019, Gebze, Turkey, November 13–15, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
D Slamanig, E Tsigaridas, Z Zafeirakopoulos
Springer Nature, 2020
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Articles 1–20