Genetic variability among Polish Red, Hereford and Holstein-Friesian cattle raised in Poland based on analysis of microsatellite DNA sequences A Radko, A Zyga, T Zabek, E Slota J. Appl. Genet 46 (1), 89-91, 2005 | 46 | 2005 |
Genetic variation of Polish endangered Bilgoraj horses and two common horse breeds in microsatellite loci T Zabek, A Nogaj, A Radko, J Nogaj, E Slota J Appl Genet 46 (3), 299-305, 2005 | 44 | 2005 |
Characteristics of X- and Y-chromosome specific regions of the amelogenin gene and a PCR-based method for sex identification in red deer (Cervus elaphus) A Gurgul, A Radko, E Słota Molecular biology reports 37, 2915-2918, 2010 | 39 | 2010 |
Genetic polymorphism of Hucul horse population based on 17 microsatellite loci A Fornal, A Radko, A Piestrzyńska-Kajtoch Acta Biochimica Polonica 60 (4), 761-765, 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
Genetic polymorphism of β-lactoglobulin in sheep raised for milk production A Kawecka, A Radko Journal of Applied Animal Research 39 (1), 68-71, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Analysis of microsatellite DNA polymorphism in the Tatra Shepherd Dog A Radko, D Rubiś, A Szumiec Journal of Applied Animal Research 46 (1), 254-256, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Genetic diversity of the Polish Hunting Dog population based on pedigree analyses and molecular studies M Goleman, I Balicki, A Radko, A Jakubczak, A Fornal Livestock Science 229, 114-117, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
Use of blood group tests and microsatellite DNA markers for parentage verification in a population of Polish Red-and-White cattle A Radko, T Rychlik Ann. Anim. Sci 9 (2), 119-125, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Microsatellite DNA analysis of genetic diversity and parentage testing in the popular dog breeds in Poland A Radko, A Podbielska Genes 12 (4), 485, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Application of 19 microsatellite DNA markers for parentage control in Borzoi dogs A Radko, E Słota Pol J Vet Sci 12 (1), 113-117, 2009 | 21 | 2009 |
The application of genetic markers for cell chimerism diagnosis in lambs B Rejduch, A Kozubska‐Sobocińska, A Radko, T Rychlik, E Słota Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 121 (3), 197-203, 2004 | 18 | 2004 |
Microsatellite DNA polymorphism and its usefulness for pedigree verification of cattle raised in Poland. A Radko | 16 | 2008 |
Genetic differentiation among 6 populations of red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) in Poland based on microsatellite DNA polymorphism A Radko, D Zalewski, D Rubiś, A Szumiec Acta Biologica Hungarica 65 (4), 414-427, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
How do genetic relatedness and spatial proximity shape African swine fever infections in wild boar? T Podgórski, KM Pepin, A Radko, A Podbielska, M Łyjak, G Woźniakowski, ... Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 69 (5), 2656-2666, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Implications for the use of horse hair roots as a DNA source for microsatellite typing T Ząbek, A Radko, E Słota Czech Journal of Animal Science 50 (11), 499-502, 2005 | 12 | 2005 |
Usefulness of a supplementary set of microsatellite DNA markers for parentage testing in cattle A Radko, E Słota, J Marczyńska Pol J Vet Sci 13 (2), 313-318, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |
Differentiating Pigs from Wild Boars Based on NR6A1 and MC1R Gene Polymorphisms A Koseniuk, G Smołucha, M Natonek-Wiśniewska, A Radko, D Rubiś Animals 11 (7), 2123, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Genetic conservation of chromosome G-bands in Suidae. A Kozubska-Sobocińska, M Babicz, B Rejduch | 10 | 2008 |
Microsatellite DNA analysis for diversity study, individual identification and parentage control in pig breeds in Poland A Radko, G Smołucha, A Koseniuk Genes 12 (4), 595, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Pedigree and Molecular Analyses in the Assessment of Genetic Variability of the Polish Greyhound M Goleman, I Balicki, A Radko, I Rozempolska-Rucińska, G Zięba Animals 11 (2), 353, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |