Tomislav Tomisa
Tomislav Tomisa
Profesor, elektrotehnika, elektroenergetika, FER, Sveučilište Zagreb
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Nonlinear digital simulation model of hydroelectric power unit with Kaplan turbine
M Brezovec, I Kuzle, T Tomisa
IEEE transactions on energy conversion 21 (1), 235-241, 2006
Load forecast of a university building for application in microgrid power flow optimization
M Gulin, M Vašak, G Banjac, T Tomiša
2014 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 1223-1227, 2014
Simulation of undervoltage load shedding to prevent voltage collapse
M Klaric, I Kuzle, T Tomisa
2005 IEEE Russia Power Tech, 1-6, 2005
A mathematical model for studying power system frequency changes
I Kuzle, T Tomisa, S Tesnjak
2004 IEEE Africon. 7th Africon Conference in Africa (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37590 …, 2004
A model for the efficient use of electricity produced from renewable energy sources for electric vehicle charging
I Strnad, D Škrlec, T Tomiša
2013 4th international youth conference on energy (IYCE), 1-8, 2013
Multipurpose marine buoy
T Tomisa, S Krajcar, D Pinezic
2008 50th International Symposium ELMAR 2, 401-405, 2008
Comparison of various methods for determining direction of harmonic distortion by measuring in point of common coupling
M Bazina, T Tomiša
2014 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 392-399, 2014
Inter-area oscillations damping using dynamic braking and phasor measurements
E Huseinbasic, I Kuzle, T Tomisa
2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1-6, 2009
Automated photovoltaic panel positioning device for solar radiation monitoring
T Tomiša, Z Šimić, D Dedeić
2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention MIPRO, 673-678, 2011
Dynamics analysis of 220 V DC auxiliary system in power plant using different mathematical models
J Skare, T Tomisa, M Mesic
2009 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical …, 2009
Methodology presentation for the configuration optimization of hybrid electrical energy systems
D Žigman, T Tomiša, K Osman
Energies 16 (5), 2158, 2023
Nekonvencionalni mjerni pretvarači
K Bičanić, I Kuzle, T Tomiša
Journal of Energy: Energija 55 (3), 328-351, 2006
Unconventional Measuring Transducers
K Bičanić, I Kuzle, T Tomiša
Journal of Energy: Energija 55 (3), 328-351, 2006
Railway system impact on voltage quality at the level of the croatian transmission network
D Galzina, E Banovac, T Tomiša
Journal of Energy: Energija 69 (2), 0-0, 2020
Measurements and Modelling of Crude Oil Heating Process
T Tomiša, S Tešnjak, I Kuzle
IASTED International Symposium Measurement and Control (MECO'2001), 59-63, 2001
Rotirajuća pričuva u uvjetima tržišta električnom energijom
I Kuzle, S Tešnjak, T Tomiša
V. Savjetovanje hrvatskog komiteta CIGRE, 2001
Preparing Procedures for Automatic Secondary Var Control Implementation
I Kuzle, S Tešnjak, T Tomiša
International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEE'95, 171-174, 1995
Upravljanje energijom u industrijskim mikromrežama u tržišnim uvjetima
M Perić, Ž Tomšić, T Tomiša, J Galešić
Bosanskohercegovačka elektrotehnika 10, 78-88, 2016
Sustavi za trajni nadzor kvalitete napona u distributivnim mrežama
T Tomiša
IEEE MIPRO 2012, Jubilee 35th International convention on information and …, 2012
Integration of power quality monitoring system in Croatian distribution system
T Capuder, I Periša, D Hrkec, M Zidar, T Tomiša, D Škrlec
21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Frankfurt, Germany, 2011
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Articles 1–20