Patrick P. Potts
Patrick P. Potts
Inne imiona/nazwiskaPatrick P. Hofer
Assistant Professor, University of Basel
Zweryfikowany adres z unibas.ch - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Markovian master equations for quantum thermal machines: local versus global approach
PP Hofer, M Perarnau-Llobet, LDM Miranda, G Haack, R Silva, JB Brask, ...
New Journal of Physics 19 (12), 123037, 2017
Autonomous quantum refrigerator in a circuit QED architecture based on a Josephson junction
PP Hofer, M Perarnau-Llobet, JB Brask, R Silva, M Huber, N Brunner
Physical Review B 94 (23), 235420, 2016
Quantum thermal machine as a thermometer
PP Hofer, JB Brask, M Perarnau-Llobet, N Brunner
Physical review letters 119 (9), 090603, 2017
Quantum heat engine based on photon-assisted Cooper pair tunneling
PP Hofer, JR Souquet, AA Clerk
Physical Review B 93 (4), 041418, 2016
Thermodynamic uncertainty relations including measurement and feedback
PP Potts, P Samuelsson
Physical Review E 100 (5), 052137, 2019
Fundamental limits on low-temperature quantum thermometry with finite resolution
PP Potts, JB Brask, N Brunner
Quantum 3, 161, 2019
Quantum heat engines based on electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometers
PP Hofer, B Sothmann
Physical Review B 91 (19), 195406, 2015
Violating the Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation in the Three-Level Maser
AAS Kalaee, A Wacker, PP Potts
Physical Review E 104, L012103, 2021
Current fluctuations in open quantum systems: Bridging the gap between quantum continuous measurements and full counting statistics
GT Landi, MJ Kewming, MT Mitchison, PP Potts
PRX Quantum 5 (2), 020201, 2024
A thermodynamically consistent Markovian master equation beyond the secular approximation
PP Potts, AAS Kalaee, A Wacker
New Journal of Physics 23 (12), 123013, 2021
Efficient and continuous microwave photoconversion in hybrid cavity-semiconductor nanowire double quantum dot diodes
W Khan, PP Potts, S Lehmann, C Thelander, KA Dick, P Samuelsson, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5130, 2021
Tight bound on finite-resolution quantum thermometry at low temperatures
MR Jørgensen, PP Potts, MGA Paris, JB Brask
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033394, 2020
Autonomous conversion of information to work in quantum dots
R Sánchez, P Samuelsson, PP Potts
Physical Review Research 1 (3), 033066, 2019
Single-electron entanglement and nonlocality
D Dasenbrook, J Bowles, JB Brask, PP Hofer, C Flindt, N Brunner
New Journal of Physics 18 (4), 043036, 2016
Negative full counting statistics arise from interference effects
PP Hofer, AA Clerk
Physical Review Letters 116 (1), 013603, 2016
Optimal work extraction from quantum states by photo-assisted Cooper pair tunneling
N Lörch, C Bruder, N Brunner, PP Hofer
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (3), 035014, 2018
Emission of time-bin entangled particles into helical edge states
PP Hofer, M Büttiker
Physical Review B 88 (24), 241308, 2013
Electron waiting times in coherent conductors are correlated
D Dasenbrook, PP Hofer, C Flindt
Physical Review B 91 (19), 195420, 2015
Hybrid thermal machines: Generalized thermodynamic resources for multitasking
G Manzano, R Sánchez, R Silva, G Haack, JB Brask, N Brunner, PP Potts
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043302, 2020
Quasi-probability distributions for observables in dynamic systems
PP Hofer
Quantum 1, 32, 2017
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