Qasim Lone
Qasim Lone
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Cited by
Clusters in the expanse: Understanding and unbiasing IPv6 hitlists
O Gasser, Q Scheitle, P Foremski, Q Lone, M Korczyński, SD Strowes, ...
Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference 2018, 364-378, 2018
How dynamic is the isps address space? towards internet-wide dhcp churn estimation
GCM Moura, C Ganán, Q Lone, P Poursaied, H Asghari, M van Eeten
2015 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), 1-9, 2015
Using loops observed in traceroute to infer the ability to spoof
Q Lone, M Luckie, M Korczyński, M Van Eeten
Passive and Active Measurement: 18th International Conference, PAM 2017 …, 2017
Don’t forget to lock the front door! inferring the deployment of source address validation of inbound traffic
M Korczyński, Y Nosyk, Q Lone, M Skwarek, B Jonglez, A Duda
Passive and Active Measurement: 21st International Conference, PAM 2020 …, 2020
Using Crowdsourcing Marketplaces for Network Measurements: The Case of Spoofer
Q Lone, M Luckie, M Korczyński, H Asghari, M Javed, M van Eeten
2018 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), 1-8, 2018
SAVing the Internet: Explaining the Adoption of Source Address Validation by Internet Service Providers
Q Lone, M Korczyński, C Gañán, M van Eeten
Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, 2020
Deployment of source address validation by network operators: a randomized control trial
Q Lone, A Frik, M Luckie, M Korczyński, M van Eeten, C Ganán
2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 2361-2378, 2022
WiSH-WalT: A Framework for Controllable and Reproducible LoRa Testbeds
Q Lone, E Dublé, F Rousseau, I Moerman, S Giannoulis, A Duda
2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2018
Inferring the deployment of inbound source address validation using dns resolvers
M Korczyński, Y Nosyk, Q Lone, M Skwarek, B Jonglez, A Duda
Proceedings of the Applied Networking Research Workshop, 9-11, 2020
Evaluating the Impact of AbuseHUB on Botnet Mitigation
M van Eeten, Q Lone, G Moura, H Asghari, M Korczyński
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03101, 2016
The Closed Resolver Project: Measuring the Deployment of Source Address Validation of Inbound Traffic
M Korczyński, Y Nosyk, Q Lone, M Skwarek, B Jonglez, A Duda
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05277, 2020
The Closed Resolver Project: Measuring the Deployment of Inbound Source Address Validation
Y Nosyk, M Korczyński, Q Lone, M Skwarek, B Jonglez, A Duda
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023
Towards incentivizing ISPs to mitigate botnets
Q Lone, GCM Moura, M Van Eeten
Monitoring and Securing Virtualized Networks and Services: 8th IFIP WG 6.6 …, 2014
Bandwidth Allocation for Video Streams Subject to an End-to-end Percentile Delay.
Q Lone
Intercept and Inject: DNS Response Manipulation in the Wild
Y Nosyk, Q Lone, Y Zhauniarovich, CH Gañán, E Aben, GCM Moura, ...
International Conference on Passive and Active Network Measurement, 461-478, 2023
Don’t Get Hijacked: Prevalence, Mitigation, and Impact of Non-Secure DNS Dynamic Updates
Y Nosyk, M Korczynski, CH Gañán, M Król, Q Lone, A Duda
SAVing the Internet: Measuring the adoption of Source Address Validation (SAV) by network providers
QB Lone
SAVing the Internet–Methodologies to Detect Source Address Validation (SAV) by Network Providers
Q Lone, M Javed, M Korczynski, H Asghari, M Luckie, M van Eeten
Earliest Deadline First & Best Effort Scheduling Algorithm
QB Lone
Evaluation of IP Geolocation Algorithms on PingER and Planet-Lab Infrastructures
F Hussain, R Les Cottrell, Q Lone, F Batool, Z Gilani, A Hussain, U Kalim
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Articles 1–20