Piotr Sierant
Piotr Sierant
ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences
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Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Thouless time analysis of Anderson and many-body localization transitions
P Sierant, D Delande, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review Letters 124 (18), 186601, 2020
At the limits of criticality-based quantum metrology: Apparent super-Heisenberg scaling revisited
MM Rams, P Sierant, O Dutta, P Horodecki, J Zakrzewski
Physal Review X 8 (2), 021022, 2017
Challenges to observation of many-body localization
P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review B 105 (22), 224203, 2022
Polynomially filtered exact diagonalization approach to many-body localization
P Sierant, M Lewenstein, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review Letters 125 (15), 156601, 2020
Many-body localization due to random interactions
P Sierant, D Delande, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review A 95 (2), 021601, 2017
Level statistics across the many-body localization transition
P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Phys. Rev. B 99, 104205, 2019
Dissipative Floquet dynamics: from steady state to measurement induced criticality in trapped-ion chains
P Sierant, G Chiriacò, FM Surace, S Sharma, X Turkeshi, M Dalmonte, ...
Quantum 6, 638, 2022
Time dynamics with matrix product states: Many-body localization transition of large systems revisited
T Chanda, P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review B 101 (3), 035148, 2020
Many-body localization of bosons in optical lattices
P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
New Journal of Physics 20 (4), 043032, 2017
Universal Behavior beyond Multifractality of Wave Functions at Measurement-Induced Phase Transitions
P Sierant, X Turkeshi
Physical Review Letters 128 (13), 130605, 2022
Measurement-induced phase transitions in -dimensional stabilizer circuits
P Sierant, M Schirò, M Lewenstein, X Turkeshi
Physical Review B 106 (21), 214316, 2022
Model of level statistics for disordered interacting quantum many-body systems
P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review B 101 (10), 104201, 2020
Many-body localization transition in large quantum spin chains: The mobility edge
T Chanda, P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 032045, 2020
Many-body localization in presence of cavity mediated long-range interactions
P Sierant, K Biedroń, G Morigi, J Zakrzewski
SciPost Physics 7 (1), 008, 2019
Controlling entanglement at absorbing state phase transitions in random circuits
P Sierant, X Turkeshi
Physical Review Letters 130 (12), 120402, 2023
Fidelity susceptibility in Gaussian random ensembles
P Sierant, A Maksymov, M Kuś, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review E 99 (5), 050102, 2019
Finite-size scaling analysis of the many-body localization transition in quasiperiodic spin chains
AS Aramthottil, T Chanda, P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review B 104 (21), 214201, 2021
Stability of many-body localization in Floquet systems
P Sierant, M Lewenstein, A Scardicchio, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review B 107 (11), 115132, 2023
Constraint-Induced Delocalization
P Sierant, EG Lazo, M Dalmonte, A Scardicchio, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review Letters 127 (12), 126603, 2021
Energy level dynamics across the many-body localization transition
A Maksymov, P Sierant, J Zakrzewski
Physical Review B 99 (22), 224202, 2019
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