Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science Open Science Collaboration Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015 | 10015 | 2015 |
A manifesto for reproducible science MR Munafò, BA Nosek, DVM Bishop, KS Button, CD Chambers, ... Nature human behaviour 1 (1), 1-9, 2017 | 3233 | 2017 |
Bayesian cognitive modeling: A practical course MD Lee, EJ Wagenmakers Cambridge university press, 2014 | 3177 | 2014 |
AIC model selection using Akaike weights EJ Wagenmakers, S Farrell Psychonomic bulletin & review 11, 192-196, 2004 | 3130 | 2004 |
Redefine statistical significance DJ Benjamin, JO Berger, M Johannesson, BA Nosek, EJ Wagenmakers, ... Nature human behaviour 2 (1), 6-10, 2018 | 3014 | 2018 |
A practical solution to the pervasive problems ofp values EJ Wagenmakers Psychonomic bulletin & review 14 (5), 779-804, 2007 | 3002 | 2007 |
Promoting an open research culture BA Nosek, G Alter, GC Banks, D Borsboom, SD Bowman, SJ Breckler, ... Science 348 (6242), 1422-1425, 2015 | 2771 | 2015 |
Editors’ introduction to the special section on replicability in psychological science: A crisis of confidence? H Pashler, EJ Wagenmakers Perspectives on psychological science 7 (6), 528-530, 2012 | 1808 | 2012 |
Bayesian inference for psychology. Part I: Theoretical advantages and practical ramifications EJ Wagenmakers, M Marsman, T Jamil, A Ly, J Verhagen, J Love, ... Psychonomic bulletin & review 25, 35-57, 2018 | 1781 | 2018 |
Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015 CF Camerer, A Dreber, F Holzmeister, TH Ho, J Huber, M Johannesson, ... Nature human behaviour 2 (9), 637-644, 2018 | 1733 | 2018 |
Bayesian inference for psychology. Part II: Example applications with JASP EJ Wagenmakers, J Love, M Marsman, T Jamil, A Ly, J Verhagen, ... Psychonomic bulletin & review 25, 58-76, 2018 | 1649 | 2018 |
Why psychologists must change the way they analyze their data: the case of psi: comment on Bem (2011). EJ Wagenmakers, R Wetzels, D Borsboom, HLJ Van Der Maas American Psychological Association 100 (3), 426, 2011 | 1227 | 2011 |
An agenda for purely confirmatory research EJ Wagenmakers, R Wetzels, D Borsboom, HLJ van der Maas, RA Kievit Perspectives on psychological science 7 (6), 632-638, 2012 | 1205 | 2012 |
Statistical Evidence in Experimental Psychology: An Empirical Comparison Using 855 t Tests R Wetzels, D Matzke, MD Lee, JN Rouder, GJ Iverson, EJ Wagenmakers Perspectives on Psychological Science 6 (3), 291-298, 2011 | 1090 | 2011 |
The JASP guidelines for conducting and reporting a Bayesian analysis J Van Doorn, D Van Den Bergh, U Böhm, F Dablander, K Derks, T Draws, ... Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28, 813-826, 2021 | 1011 | 2021 |
Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance S Nieuwenhuis, BU Forstmann, EJ Wagenmakers Nature neuroscience 14 (9), 1105-1107, 2011 | 958 | 2011 |
JASP: Graphical statistical software for common statistical designs J Love, R Selker, M Marsman, T Jamil, D Dropmann, J Verhagen, A Ly, ... Journal of Statistical Software 88, 1-17, 2019 | 883 | 2019 |
The neural basis of the speed–accuracy tradeoff R Bogacz, EJ Wagenmakers, BU Forstmann, S Nieuwenhuis Trends in neurosciences 33 (1), 10-16, 2010 | 869 | 2010 |
Many analysts, one data set: Making transparent how variations in analytic choices affect results R Silberzahn, EL Uhlmann, DP Martin, P Anselmi, F Aust, E Awtrey, ... Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (3), 337-356, 2018 | 852 | 2018 |
Bayesian hypothesis testing for psychologists: A tutorial on the Savage–Dickey method EJ Wagenmakers, T Lodewyckx, H Kuriyal, R Grasman Cognitive psychology 60 (3), 158-189, 2010 | 813 | 2010 |