Gorana Jelić Mrčelić
Gorana Jelić Mrčelić
Professor of Biothechnology, University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies
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Biofouling communities on test panels coated with TBT and TBT-free copper based antifouling paints
G Jelic-Mrcelic, M Sliskovic, B Antolic
Biofouling 22 (5), 293-302, 2006
Length weight relationships of the European eel Anguilla anguilla (linnaeus, 1758) from six karst catchments of the Adriatic basin, Croatia
M Piria, N Šprem, T Tomljanović, M Slišković, G Jelić Mrčelić, T Treer
Croatian Journal of Fisheries: Ribarstvo 72 (1), 32-35, 2014
The fouling of fish farm cage nets as bioindicator of aquaculture pollution in the Adriatic Sea (Croatia)
M Sliskovic, G Jelic Mrcelic, B Antolic, I Anicic
Environmental monitoring and assessment 173 (1-4), 519-532, 2011
Review of generated waste from cruisers: Dubrovnik, Split, and Zadar Port case studies
M Slišković, H Ukić Boljat, I Jelaska, G Jelić Mrčelić
Resources 7 (4), 72, 2018
Shipboard ballast water treatment systems on seagoing ships
A Vorkapić, I Komar, G Jelić Mrčelić
Transactions on maritime science 5 (01), 19-28, 2016
Integration sea and river ports–the challenge of the Croatian transport system for the 21st century
M Krčum, V Plazibat, G Jelić Mrčelić
NAŠE MORE: znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo 62 (4), 247-255, 2015
Analysis of pollution related deficiencies identified through PSC inspections for the period 2014–2018
H Ukić Boljat, M Slišković, I Jelaska, A Gudelj, G Jelić Mrčelić
Sustainability 12 (15), 5956, 2020
The impact of fish cages on water quality in one fish farm in Croatia
GJ Mrcelic, M Sliskovic
World Academy of Science, Engineering an d Technology 44, 963-966, 2010
Reproductive biology of pink dentex Dentex gibbosus (Rafinesque) from the Adriatic Sea, Croatia
L Grubisic, GJ Mrcelic, N Skakelja, I Katavic, V Ticina, M Sliskovic
Aquaculture Research 38 (9), 991-1001, 2007
Non-indigenous species likely introduced by shipping into the Adriatic Sea
M Slišković, M Piria, V Nerlović, KP Ivelja, A Gavrilović, GJ Mrčelić
Marine Policy 129, 104516, 2021
Analysis of female interest in maritime education at Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy Varna and at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split
B Belev, G Jelić Mrčelić, Z Jurić, I Karin
Transactions on maritime science 9 (02), 342-349, 2020
The invasive Anadara transversa (Say, 1822)(Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the biofouling community of northern Adriatic mariculture areas
V Nerlović, L Perić, M Slišković, G Jelić Mrčelić
Management of Biological Invasions 9 (3), 239, 2018
An overview of atlantic bluefin tuna farming sustainability in the mediterranean with special regards to the republic of Croatia
G Jelić Mrčelić, V Nerlović, M Slišković, I Zubak Čižmek
Sustainability 15 (4), 2976, 2023
Methods of Pollution Removal after Tanker “Erika” Accident
I Čović, A Šimunac, J Veža, M Slišković, G Jelić Mrčelić
Transactions on maritime science 2 (01), 41-48, 2013
Key Ballast Water Management Regulations With a View on Ballast Water Management Systems Type Approval Process
L Campara, M Sliskovic, G Jelic Mrcelic
Nase more 66 (2), 78-86, 2019
Economic and social impact of marine sport and recreational fisheries in Croatia
A Soldo, M Fredotović, A Šaran, M Slišković, G Jelić Mrčelić
Croatian Journal of Fisheries 76 (4), 154-163, 2018
Cruise Industry Trends and Cruise Ships’ Navigational Practices in the Central and South Part of the Adriatic East Coast Affecting Navigational Safety and Sustainable Development
J Dorigatti, T Perić, GJ Mrčelić
Applied Sciences 12 (14), 6884, 2022
Uloga ICCAT-a u zaštiti tuna u Hrvatskoj
I Miletić, V Franičević, G Jelić Mrčelić, M Slišković, I Jeftimijades, ...
Croatian Journal of Fisheries: Ribarstvo 69 (1), 21-34, 2011
Obraštaj kaveza za uzgoj ribe kao pokazatelj utjecaja akvakulture na okoliš
M Slišković, G Jelić, Z Hell
Croatian Journal of Fisheries: Ribarstvo 61 (1), 27-32, 2003
Students’ Attitude to Online Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) at Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy and Faculty of Maritime Studies Split during COVID-19 Crisis
B Belev, N Nikolov, J Dorigatti, G Jelić Mrčelić
Transactions on maritime science 11 (01), 294-306, 2022
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