Nicolae Ungureanu
Cited by
Cited by
Innovation and technology transfer for business development
M Ungureanu, N Pop, N Ungureanu
Procedia Engineering 149, 495-500, 2016
Development of Progressive Technologies-Computer Support for Progressive Technologies
I Kuric, J Novák-Marcinèin, R Cotetiu, N Ungureanu
International DAAAM Vienna, 253, 2007
Computer model for sieves' vibrations analysis, using an algorithm based on the false-position method
DIA Stoicovici, M Ungureanu, N Ungureanu, M Banica
American journal of applied sciences 6 (1), 48, 2009
New trends in mechanical design and technologies
RI Coteþiu, I Kuric, J Novák-Marcinèin, NS Ungureanu
Risoprint, 2005
Sustainability of the production process by applying lean manufacturing through the PDCA cycle–a case study in the machinery industry
M Milosevic, M Djapan, R D’Amato, N Ungureanu, A Ruggiero
Advances in Manufacturing Engineering and Materials II: Proceedings of the …, 2021
The effect of active surface morphology of grinding wheel with zone-diversified structure on the form of chips in traverse internal cylindrical grinding of 100Cr6 steel
K Nadolny, W Kap³onek, G Królczyk, N Ungureanu
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2018
Fiabilitate si diagnoza
NS Ungureanu
Risoprint, 2003
Tribological Aspects Concerning the Study of Overhead Crane Brakes
M Ungureanu, N Medan, NS Ungureanu, N Pop, K Nadolny
Materials 15 (19), 6549, 2022
Intelligent process planning for smart factory and smart manufacturing
M Milo¹eviæ, M Ðurðev, D Lukiæ, A Antiæ, N Ungureanu
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on the Industry 4.0 Model for …, 2020
Measurements of the friction coefficient: Discussion on the results in the framework of the time series analysis
A Ruggiero, R D’Amato, R Calvo, P Vala¹ek, N Ungureanu
Advances in Manufacturing Engineering and Materials: Proceedings of the …, 2019
Principles of the maintenance management
N Ungureanu, M Ungureanu, A Cotetiu, B Barisic, S Grozav
Scientific Bulletin Series C: Fascicle Mechanics, Tribology, Machine …, 2010
Research regarding the energy recovery from municipal solid waste in maramures county using incineration
M Ungureanu, J Jozsef, VM Brezoczki, P Monka, NS Ungureanu
Processes 9 (3), 514, 2021
Integrating risk analysis with safety dyagnostic in complex industrial systems: modeling hazard
LI Cioca, RI Moraru, GB Bãbuþ, NS Ungureanu
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Technical Series 66 (1), 17-22, 2015
Using Edgecam for creating CNC programs in education process
F Botko, M Hatala, M Kormo¹, N Ungureanu, P ©oltés
2015 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and …, 2015
System of Predictive Maintenance.
N Ungureanu, M UNGUREANU
Scientific Bulletin Series C: Fascicle Mechanics, Tribology, Machine …, 2015
Logistica activitãþilor de mentenanþã
NS Ungureanu, P Duval, M Mocan, IM Tãucean
Editura Universitãþii de Nord, 2010
An experimental approach to optimize the screening in the real operating conditions
DI Stoicovici, M Ungureanu, N Ungureanu, M Bãnicã
Manufacturing Engineering 2, 75-78, 2008
Theoretical correlations regarding the instantaneous carrying force in the case of the narrow sliding radial HD working bearing under hard shocks. Automation in Production …
IM Alexandrescu, R Cotetiu, N Ungureanu
8th International Scientific Conference, 02-04, 2007
Research about automatic adjustment solution of the advance force at the perffusion drills using fluid elements
A Cotetiu, R Cotetiu, N Ungureanu
Archives of Mining Sciences 58 (4), 2013
Estimation of reliability of equipment
N Ungureanu, M Ungureanu, M Hatala
Scientific Bulletin Series C: Fascicle Mechanics, Tribology, Machine …, 2012
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Articles 1–20