Ryan Y Hong
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Cited by
Worry and rumination: Differential associations with anxious and depressive symptoms and coping behavior
RY Hong
Behaviour research and therapy 45 (2), 277-290, 2007
The structure of cognitive vulnerabilities to depression and anxiety: Evidence for a common core etiologic process based on a meta-analytic review
RY Hong, MWL Cheung
Clinical Psychological Science 3 (6), 892-912, 2015
The relation between common sleep problems and emotional and behavioral problems among 2‐and 3‐year‐olds in the context of known risk factors for psychopathology
GJ Reid, RY Hong, TJ Wade
Journal of sleep research 18 (1), 49-59, 2009
Further clarifying prospective and inhibitory intolerance of uncertainty: Factorial and construct validity of test scores from the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale.
RY Hong, SSM Lee
Psychological assessment 27 (2), 605, 2015
Intolerance of uncertainty moderates the relation between negative life events and anxiety
CY Chen, RY Hong
Personality and Individual Differences 49 (1), 49-53, 2010
Personality traits and health‐risk behaviours in university students
RY Hong, SV Paunonen
European Journal of Personality: Published for the European Association of …, 2009
Self‐efficacy and the prediction of domain‐specific cognitive abilities
SV Paunonen, RY Hong
Journal of personality 78 (1), 339-360, 2010
The relationship between autistic traits and social anxiety, worry, obsessive–compulsive, and depressive symptoms: specific and non-specific mediators in a student sample
SM Liew, N Thevaraja, RY Hong, I Magiati
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 45, 858-872, 2015
Developmental trajectories of maladaptive perfectionism in middle childhood
RY Hong, SSM Lee, RY Chng, Y Zhou, FF Tsai, SH Tan
Journal of Personality 85 (3), 409-422, 2017
Applications of meta-analytic structural equation modelling in health psychology: Examples, issues, and recommendations
MWL Cheung, RY Hong
Health psychology review 11 (3), 265-279, 2017
The effects of social evaluation and looming threat on self-attentional biases and social anxiety
M Haikal, RY Hong
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 24 (3), 345-352, 2010
Big Five personality factors and the prediction of behavior: A multitrait–multimethod approach
RY Hong, SV Paunonen, HP Slade
Personality and individual differences 45 (2), 160-166, 2008
Vocal emotions influence verbal memory: neural correlates and interindividual differences
A Schirmer, CB Chen, A Ching, L Tan, RY Hong
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 13, 80-93, 2013
The world at 7: 00: Comparing the experience of situations across 20 countries
E Guillaume, E Baranski, E Todd, B Bastian, I Bronin, C Ivanova, ...
Journal of Personality 84 (4), 493-509, 2016
Locomotion and assessment: Self-regulation and subjective well-being
RY Hong, MS Tan, WC Chang
Personality and Individual Differences 37 (2), 325-332, 2004
Increasing intolerance of uncertainty over time: The potential influence of increasing connectivity
RN Carleton, G Desgagné, R Krakauer, RY Hong
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 48 (2), 121-136, 2019
Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries
MJ Brandt, T Kuppens, R Spears, L Andrighetto, F Autin, P Babincak, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (5), 921-942, 2020
From dispositional traits to psychopathological symptoms: Social-cognitive vulnerabilities as intervening mechanisms
RY Hong
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 35, 407-420, 2013
Gratitude and personal functioning among earthquake survivors in Indonesia
J Lies, D Mellor, RY Hong
The Journal of Positive Psychology 9 (4), 295-305, 2014
Construct validity of the mclean screening instrument for borderline personality disorder in two singaporean samples
SL Keng, Y Lee, S Drabu, RY Hong, CYI Chee, CSH Ho, RCM Ho
Journal of personality disorders 33 (4), 450-469, 2019
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Articles 1–20