Matteo Tarantino
Matteo Tarantino
Associate Professor, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Zweryfikowany adres z unicatt.it - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Media territories and urban conflict: Exploring symbolic tactics and audience activities in the conflict over Paolo Sarpi, Milan
S Tosoni, M Tarantino
International communication gazette 75 (5-6), 573-594, 2013
The Battle of Milan. Social Representations of the April 2007 Riots by Two Chinese Communities.
M Tarantino, S Tosoni
Living outside the walls: The Chinese in Prato, 202, 2009
Space, translations and media
S Tosoni, M Tarantino
First Monday, 2013
Navigating a datascape: Challenges in automating environmental data disclosure in China
M Tarantino
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63 (1), 67-86, 2020
Media and The Social Production of Urban Space: Towards an Integrated Approach to the Controversial Nature of Urban Space.
M Tarantino, S Tosoni
Media & The City: Urbanism, Technology, Communication, 2-31, 2013
Database green: software, environmentalism and data flows in China
M Tarantino, B Zimmermann
The China Quarterly 229, 205-217, 2017
Media and the city: Urbanism, technology and communication
C Giaccardi, M Tarantino, S Tosoni
Cambridge scholars publishing, 2014
Communicating the city: Meanings, practices, interactions
G Aiello, M Tarantino, K Oakley
Peter Lang, 2017
Introduction: Beyond the centrality of media and the centrality of space
M Tarantino, S Tosoni
First Monday, 2013
Authoritarianism, opacity and proxies: The 2008 Olympic Torch relay in the Italian media
M Tarantino, S Carini
Encoding the Olympics, 69-85, 2013
Toward a New “Electrical World”: Is There a Chinese Technological Sublime?
M Tarantino
New connectivities in China: Virtual, actual and local interactions, 185-200, 2012
Has digital transformation impacted gender imbalance in Italian cinema? A data analysis of creative clusters 2004–2016
M Fanchi, M Tarantino
Digital Transformation in the Cultural and Creative Industries, 162-184, 2020
Etnografia virtuale e convergenza. Spazi, tempi, discorsi e pratiche della tv sul web
L Barra, M Tarantino, S Tosoni
Nuovi media e ricerca empirica. I percorsi metodologici degli internet …, 2011
The good, the fake and the cyborg: The broadcast and coverage of Beijing 2008 Olympics in Italy
M Tarantino, S Carini
The International Journal of the History of Sport 27 (9-10), 1717-1738, 2010
Images of a riot: Visual representation and symbolic values in the Battle of Milan
M Tarantino, S Tosoni
Space, media and cultural flows: Insights into intercultural communication …, 2009
Chinatown today: Schizophrenies of Italian multicultural publishing
A Gelpi, M Tarantino
Space, Media & Cultural Flows: Insights on Intercultural Communication, 69-82, 2009
Decarbonizing residential buildings with heat pumps: Transferability of front-runner experiences from Swiss Cantons
S Cozza, J Chambers, R Bolligerb, M Tarantino, MK Patel
Energy Reports 8, 14048-14060, 2022
Donne e reti creative nel cinema italiano (2004-2016)
M Fanchi, M Tarantino
Economia della Cultura 29 (4), 523-530, 2019
Convergenza ed etnografia di rete. La virtual ethnography del consumo televisivo
L Barra, M Tarantino, S Tosoni
Link Ricerca, 93-101, 2010
Are our data ready for the next global challenges? Resilient data for resilient societies and economies
M Schaepman, M Tarantino, S Aggarwal-Khan, N Biller-Andorno, ...
Environmental science & policy 138, 146, 2022
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