Jane K Hart
Jane K Hart
Geography and Environment, University of Southampton
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Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Environmental sensor networks: A revolution in the earth system science?
JK Hart, K Martinez
Earth-Science Reviews 78 (3-4), 177-191, 2006
Environmental sensor networks
K Martinez, JK Hart, R Ong
Computer 37 (8), 50-56, 2004
The interrelation of glaciotectonic and glaciodepositional processes within the glacial environment
JK Hart, GS Boulton
Quaternary Science Reviews 10 (4), 335-350, 1991
Glacsweb: a sensor network for hostile environments
K Martinez, R Ong, J Hart
2004 First Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad …, 2004
The sedimentary and structural evolution of a recent push moraine complex: Holmstrømbreen, Spitsbergen
GS Boulton, JJM Van der Meer, DJ Beets, JK Hart, GHJ Ruegg
Quaternary Science Reviews 18 (3), 339-371, 1999
Criteria to distinguish between subglacial glaciotectonic and glaciomarine sedimentation, I. Deformation styles and sedimentology
JK Hart, DH Roberts
Sedimentary Geology 91 (1-4), 191-213, 1994
Till fabric associated with deformable beds
JK Hart
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 19 (1), 15-32, 1994
Till and moraine emplacement in a deforming bed surge—an example from a marine environment
GS Boulton, JJM Van der Meer, J Hart, D Beets, GHJ Ruegg, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 15 (10), 961-987, 1996
Subglacial erosion, deposition and deformation associated with deformable beds
JK Hart
Progress in Physical Geography 19 (2), 173-191, 1995
Styles of subglacial glaciotectonic deformation within the context of the Anglian ice‐sheet
JK Hart, RCA Hindmarsh, GS Boulton
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 15 (3), 227-241, 1990
The relationship between drumlins and other forms of subglacial glaciotectonic deformation
JK Hart
Quaternary Science Reviews 16 (1), 93-107, 1997
Glacial environment monitoring using sensor networks
K Martinez, P Padhy, A Riddoch, R Ong, J Hart
Proceedings of the Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN …, 2005
Proglacial glaciotectonic deformation and the origin of the Cromer Ridge push moraine complex, North Norfolk, England
Boreas 19 (2), 165-180, 1990
Approaches to the study of glacier bed deformation
J Hart, J Rose
Quaternary International 86 (1), 45-58, 2001
The deforming bed characteristics of a stratified till assemblage in north East Anglia, UK: investigating controls on sediment rheology and strain signatures
DH Roberts, JK Hart
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (1-2), 123-140, 2005
Glacial environment monitoring using sensor networks
P Padhy, K Martinez, A Riddoch, HL Ong, JK Hart
Deploying a sensor network in an extreme environment
K Martinez, P Padhy, A Elsaify, G Zou, A Riddoch, JK Hart, HLR Ong
IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and …, 2006
Toward an environmental Internet of Things
JK Hart, K Martinez
Earth and Space Science 2 (5), 194-200, 2015
Identifying fast ice flow from landform assemblages in the geological record: a discussion
JK Hart
Annals of Glaciology 28, 59-66, 1999
Sensor network applications
K Martinez, JK Hart, R Ong, S Brennan, A Mielke, D Torney, A Maccabe, ...
IEEE computer 37 (8), 50-56, 2004
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