Juliana Küster Filipe Bowles
Juliana Küster Filipe Bowles
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Modelling concurrent interactions
J Küster-Filipe
Theoretical Computer Science 351 (2), 203-220, 2006
Studying trajectories of multimorbidity: a systematic scoping review of longitudinal approaches and evidence
G Cezard, CT McHale, F Sullivan, JKF Bowles, K Keenan
BMJ open 11 (11), e048485, 2021
Enriching OCL using observational mu-calculus
J Bradfield, JK Filipe, P Stevens
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2002
Our data, our society, our health: A vision for inclusive and transparent health data science in the United Kingdom and beyond
E Ford, A Boyd, JKF Bowles, A Havard, RW Aldridge, V Curcin, M Greiver, ...
Learning health systems 3 (3), e10191, 2019
Trends in diabetes medication use in Australia, Canada, England, and Scotland: a repeated cross-sectional analysis in primary care
M Greiver, A Havard, JKF Bowles, S Kalia, T Chen, B Aliarzadeh, ...
British Journal of General Practice 71 (704), e209-e218, 2021
Formalizing liveness-enriched sequence diagrams using ASMs
A Cavarra, J Küster-Filipe
International Workshop on Abstract State Machines, 62-77, 2004
The Troll Approach to Conceptual Modelling: Syntax, Semantics, and Tools
A Grau, JK Filipe, M Kowsari, S Eckstein, R Pinger, HD Ehrich
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 277-290, 1998
Fundamentals of a module logic for distributed object systems
JK Filipe
Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 3, 2000
Formal transformation from sequence diagrams to coloured petri nets
J Bowles, D Meedeniya
2010 Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 216-225, 2010
A logic-based formalization for component specification
JK Filipe
Journal of Object Technology 1 (3), 231-248, 2002
Combining sequence diagrams and OCL for liveness
A Cavarra, J Küster-Filipe
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 115, 19-38, 2005
A formal model for integrating multiple views
JKF Bowles, B Bordbar
Seventh International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System …, 2007
Decomposing interactions
JKF Bowles
International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology …, 2006
From interaction overview diagrams to pepa nets
L Kloul, J Küster-Filipe
Proc. of the Work. on Process Algebra and Stochastically Timed Activities 104, 2005
The serums tool-chain: ensuring security and privacy of medical data in smart patient-centric healthcare systems
V Janjic, JKF Bowles, AF Vermeulen, A Silvina, M Belk, C Fidas, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2726-2735, 2019
Optimizing protocol rewrite rules of CIL specifications
G Denker, JK Millen, A Grau, JK Filipe
Proceedings 13th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop. CSFW-13, 52-62, 2000
Avoiding medication conflicts for patients with multimorbidities
A Kovalov, JKF Bowles
International conference on integrated formal methods, 376-390, 2016
A blockchain-based healthcare platform for secure personalised data sharing
J Bowles, T Webber, E Blackledge, A Vermeulen
Public Health and Informatics, 208-212, 2021
A framework for automated conflict detection and resolution in medical guidelines
J Bowles, MB Caminati, S Cha, J Mendoza
Science of computer programming 182, 42-63, 2019
A logical approach for behavioural composition of scenario-based models
JKF Bowles, B Bordbar, M Alwanain
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 17th International Conference on …, 2015
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Articles 1–20