Michał Lipka
Michał Lipka
Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Zweryfikowany adres z uw.edu.pl
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Wavevector multiplexed atomic quantum memory via spatially-resolved single-photon detection
M Parniak, M Dąbrowski, M Mazelanik, A Leszczyński, M Lipka, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2140, 2017
Optical frequency locked loop for long-term stabilization of broad-line DFB laser frequency difference
M Lipka, M Parniak, W Wasilewski
Applied Physics B 123, 1-7, 2017
Quantum optics of spin waves through ac stark modulation
M Parniak, M Mazelanik, A Leszczyński, M Lipka, M Dąbrowski, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (6), 063604, 2019
Certification of high-dimensional entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering with cold atomic quantum memory
M Dąbrowski, M Mazelanik, M Parniak, A Leszczyński, M Lipka, ...
Physical Review A 98 (4), 042126, 2018
Coherent spin-wave processor of stored optical pulses
M Mazelanik, M Parniak, A Leszczyński, M Lipka, W Wasilewski
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 22, 2019
Massively-multiplexed generation of Bell-type entanglement using a quantum memory
M Lipka, M Mazelanik, A Leszczyński, W Wasilewski, M Parniak
Communications Physics 4 (1), 46, 2021
Temporal imaging for ultra-narrowband few-photon states of light
M Mazelanik, A Leszczyński, M Lipka, M Parniak, W Wasilewski
Optica 7 (3), 203-208, 2020
Single-Photon Hologram of a Zero-Area Pulse
M Lipka, M Parniak
Physical Review Letters 127, 163601, 2021
Spatial spin-wave modulator for quantum-memory-assisted adaptive measurements
M Lipka, A Leszczyński, M Mazelanik, M Parniak, W Wasilewski
Phys. Rev. Applied 11 (3), 034049, 2019
Spatially resolved control of fictitious magnetic fields in a cold atomic ensemble
A Leszczyński, M Mazelanik, M Lipka, M Parniak, M Dąbrowski, ...
Optics Letters 43 (5), 1147-1150, 2018
Microchannel plate cross-talk mitigation for spatial autocorrelation measurements
M Lipka, M Parniak, W Wasilewski
Applied Physics Letters 112 (21), 2018
Entanglement distribution with wavevector-multiplexed quantum memory
M Lipka, M Mazelanik, M Parniak
New Journal of Physics 23 (5), 053012, 2021
Variable electro-optic shearing interferometry for ultrafast single-photon-level pulse characterization
S Kurzyna, M Jastrzębski, N Fabre, W Wasilewski, M Lipka, M Parniak
Optics Express 30 (22), 39826-39839, 2022
Quantum fingerprinting using two-photon interference
M Jachura, M Lipka, M Jarzyna, K Banaszek
Optics Express 25 (22), 27475-27487, 2017
Real-time ghost imaging of Bell-nonlocal entanglement between a photon and a quantum memory
M Mazelanik, A Leszczyński, M Lipka, W Wasilewski, M Parniak
Quantum 5, 493, 2021
Visibility-based hypothesis testing using higher-order optical interference
M Jachura, M Jarzyna, M Lipka, W Wasilewski, K Banaszek
Physical Review Letters 120 (11), 110502, 2018
Fast imaging of multimode transverse–spectral correlations for twin photons
M Lipka, M Parniak
Optics Letters 46 (13), 3009-3012, 2021
Ultrafast electro-optic time-frequency fractional Fourier imaging at the single-photon level
M Lipka, M Parniak
Optics Express 32 (6), 9573-9588, 2024
Multiparameter quantum sensing and magnetic communication with a hybrid dc and rf optically pumped magnetometer
M Lipka, A Sierant, C Troullinou, MW Mitchell
Physical Review Applied 21 (3), 034054, 2024
Quantum asymmetry and noisy multimode interferometry
F Albarelli, M Mazelanik, M Lipka, A Streltsov, M Parniak, ...
Physical Review Letters 128 (24), 240504, 2022
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