Boaz Barak
Boaz Barak
Harvard University
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Computational complexity: a modern approach
S Arora, B Barak
Cambridge University Press, 2009
On the (im) possibility of obfuscating programs
B Barak, O Goldreich, R Impagliazzo, S Rudich, A Sahai, S Vadhan, ...
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 59 (2), 1-48, 2012
Deep double descent: Where bigger models and more data hurt
P Nakkiran, G Kaplun, Y Bansal, T Yang, B Barak, I Sutskever
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2021 (12), 124003, 2021
Privacy, accuracy, and consistency too: a holistic solution to contingency table release
B Barak, K Chaudhuri, C Dwork, S Kale, F McSherry, K Talwar
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2007
How to go beyond the black-box simulation barrier
B Barak
Proceedings 42nd IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 106-115, 2001
Quantum optimization of maximum independent set using Rydberg atom arrays
S Ebadi, A Keesling, M Cain, TT Wang, H Levine, D Bluvstein, ...
Science 376 (6598), 1209-1215, 2022
Protecting obfuscation against algebraic attacks
B Barak, S Garg, YT Kalai, O Paneth, A Sahai
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2014: 33rd Annual International Conference …, 2014
Subexponential algorithms for unique games and related problems
S Arora, B Barak, D Steurer
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 62 (5), 1-25, 2015
A nearly tight sum-of-squares lower bound for the planted clique problem
B Barak, S Hopkins, J Kelner, PK Kothari, A Moitra, A Potechin
SIAM Journal on Computing 48 (2), 687-735, 2019
Universal arguments and their applications
B Barak, O Goldreich
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (5), 1661-1694, 2009
How to compress interactive communication
B Barak, M Braverman, X Chen, A Rao
Proceedings of the forty-second ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 67-76, 2010
Hypercontractivity, sum-of-squares proofs, and their applications
B Barak, FGSL Brandao, AW Harrow, J Kelner, D Steurer, Y Zhou
Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2012
Universally composable protocols with relaxed set-up assumptions
B Barak, R Canetti, JB Nielsen, R Pass
45th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 186-195, 2004
Extracting randomness using few independent sources
B Barak, R Impagliazzo, A Wigderson
SIAM Journal on Computing 36 (4), 1095-1118, 2006
Scaling data-constrained language models
N Muennighoff, A Rush, B Barak, T Le Scao, N Tazi, A Piktus, S Pyysalo, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
Computational complexity and information asymmetry in financial products
S Arora, B Barak, M Brunnermeier, R Ge
Communications of the ACM 54 (5), 101-107, 2011
Constant-round coin-tossing with a man in the middle or realizing the shared random string model
B Barak
The 43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2002 …, 2002
Public-key cryptography from different assumptions
B Applebaum, B Barak, A Wigderson
Proceedings of the forty-second ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 171-180, 2010
Simulating independence: New constructions of condensers, Ramsey graphs, dispersers, and extractors
B Barak, G Kindler, R Shaltiel, B Sudakov, A Wigderson
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 57 (4), 1-52, 2010
Dictionary learning and tensor decomposition via the sum-of-squares method
B Barak, JA Kelner, D Steurer
Proceedings of the forty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2015
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Articles 1–20