Ewa Zawojska
Ewa Zawojska
Department of Economics, University of Warsaw
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Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preferences methods
M Czajkowski, CA Vossler, W Budziński, A Wi¶niewska, E Zawojska
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 142, 47-63, 2017
Disentangling the effects of policy and payment consequentiality and risk attitudes on stated preferences
E Zawojska, A Bartczak, M Czajkowski
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 93, 63-84, 2019
Re-examining empirical evidence on stated preferences: importance of incentive compatibility
E Zawojska, M Czajkowski
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 6 (4), 374-403, 2017
Understanding the distribution of economic benefits from improving coastal and marine ecosystems
K Pakalniete, J Aigars, M Czajkowski, S Strake, E Zawojska, N Hanley
Science of the Total Environment 584, 29-40, 2017
Benefit transfer of environmental and resource values: progress, prospects and challenges
RJ Johnston, J Rolfe, E Zawojska
International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 12 (2-3), 177-266, 2018
Gender differentiation in risk-taking behavior: On the relative risk aversion of single men and single women
O Stark, E Zawojska
Economics Letters 137, 83-87, 2015
Information, consequentiality and credibility in stated preference surveys: A choice experiment on climate adaptation
M Welling, E Zawojska, J Sagebiel
Environmental and Resource Economics 82 (1), 257-283, 2022
Behavioral drivers or economic incentives? Toward a better understanding of elicitation effects in stated preference studies
CA Vossler, E Zawojska
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 7 (2 …, 2020
Time pressure and risk taking in auctions: A field experiment
A El Haji, M Krawczyk, M Sylwestrzak, E Zawojska
Journal of behavioral and experimental economics 78, 68-79, 2019
Re-examining empirical evidence on contingent valuation–Importance of incentive compatibility
E Zawojska, M Czajkowski
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw Working Papers, 2015
Moving beyond the contingent valuation versus choice experiment debate: Presentation effects in stated preference
P Lloyd-Smith, E Zawojska, W Adamowicz
Land Economics 96 (1), 1-24, 2020
Payment and policy consequentiality in dichotomous choice contingent valuation: Experimental design effects on self-reported perceptions
T Börger, TG Abate, M Aanesen, E Zawojska
Land Economics 97 (2), 407-424, 2021
Time pressure and risk taking in auctions: a field experiment.
A El-Haji, M Krawczyk, M Sylwestrzak, E Zawojska
Economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by the Wilanów Park. A benefit transfer study
E Zawojska, Z Szkop, M Czajkowski, T Żylicz
Economics and Environment 59 (4), 11-11, 2016
Does the number of discrete choice alternatives matter for respondents' stated preferences? The case of tap water quality improvements.
M Czajkowski, M Giergiczny, E Zawojska
The role of objectively defined and subjectively perceived consequentiality in stated preference research
E Zawojska, M Czajkowski, W Budziński, A Wi¶niewska, CA Vossler
Workshop on Non-Market Valuation, Nancy, France, 2015
On the inference about a willingness-to-pay distribution using contingent valuation data
M Czajkowski, E Zawojska, N Meade, RS da Motta, M Welsh, RA Ortiz
Ecological Economics 222, 108207, 2024
An adverse social welfare effect of a doubly gainful trade
O Stark, E Zawojska, W Kohler, K Szczygielski
Journal of Development Economics 135, 77-84, 2018
Mitigating strategic misrepresentation of values in open-ended stated preference surveys by using negative reinforcement
RC dit Sourd, E Zawojska, PA Mahieu, J Louviere
Journal of choice modelling 28, 153-166, 2018
Is there really a difference between “contingent valuation” and “choice experiments”? Evidence from an induced-value experiment
WL Adamowicz, P Lloyd-Smith, E Zawojska
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Articles 1–20