Catherine Anne Marcinkiewcz
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Cited by
Serotonin engages an anxiety and fear-promoting circuit in the extended amygdala
CA Marcinkiewcz, CM Mazzone, G D’Agostino, LR Halladay, ...
Nature 537 (7618), 97-101, 2016
Chronic alcohol remodels prefrontal neurons and disrupts NMDAR-mediated fear extinction encoding
A Holmes, PJ Fitzgerald, KP MacPherson, L DeBrouse, G Colacicco, ...
Nature neuroscience 15 (10), 1359-1361, 2012
Effects of chronic ethanol exposure on neuronal function in the prefrontal cortex and extended amygdala
KE Pleil, EG Lowery-Gionta, NA Crowley, C Li, CA Marcinkiewcz, ...
Neuropharmacology 99, 735-749, 2015
Elucidation of the behavioral program and neuronal network encoded by dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons
DJ Urban, H Zhu, CA Marcinkiewcz, M Michaelides, H Oshibuchi, D Rhea, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 41 (5), 1404-1415, 2016
Neuropeptide regulation of signaling and behavior in the BNST
TL Kash, KE Pleil, CA Marcinkiewcz, EG Lowery-Gionta, N Crowley, ...
Molecules and cells 38 (1), 1-13, 2015
Corticotropin-releasing factor within the central nucleus of the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens shell mediates the negative affective state of nicotine withdrawal in rats
CA Marcinkiewcz, MM Prado, SK Isaac, A Marshall, D Rylkova, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 34 (7), 1743-1752, 2009
Chronic EtOH effects on putative measures of compulsive behavior in mice
AK Radke, NJ Jury, A Kocharian, CA Marcinkiewcz, EG Lowery‐Gionta, ...
Addiction biology 22 (2), 423-434, 2017
Ethanol induced adaptations in 5-HT2c receptor signaling in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis: implications for anxiety during ethanol withdrawal
CA Marcinkiewcz, CE Dorrier, AJ Lopez, TL Kash
Neuropharmacology 89, 157-167, 2015
Functional alterations in the dorsal raphe nucleus following acute and chronic ethanol exposure
EG Lowery-Gionta, CA Marcinkiewcz, TL Kash
Neuropsychopharmacology 40 (3), 590-600, 2015
Serotonin's complex role in alcoholism: Implications for treatment and future research
CA Marcinkiewcz, EG Lowery‐Gionta, TL Kash
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 40 (6), 1192-1201, 2016
Social defeat stress potentiates thermal sensitivity in operant models of pain processing
CA Marcinkiewcz, MK Green, DP Devine, P Duarte, CJ Vierck, ...
Brain research 1251, 112-120, 2009
Chronic intermittent ethanol exposure dysregulates a GABAergic microcircuit in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
D Pati, CA Marcinkiewcz, JF DiBerto, ES Cogan, ZA McElligott, TL Kash
Neuropharmacology 168, 107759, 2020
Serotonergic systems in the pathophysiology of ethanol dependence: relevance to clinical alcoholism
CA Marcinkiewcz
ACS chemical neuroscience 6 (7), 1026-1039, 2015
Sex-Dependent Modulation of Anxiety and Fear by 5-HT1A Receptors in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis
CA Marcinkiewcz, G Bierlein-De La Rosa, CE Dorrier, M McKnight, ...
ACS chemical neuroscience 10 (7), 3154-3166, 2019
Adolescent ethanol drinking promotes hyperalgesia, neuroinflammation and serotonergic deficits in mice that persist into adulthood
KM Khan, G Bierlein-De La Rosa, N Biggerstaff, GP Selvakumar, R Wang, ...
Brain, behavior, and immunity 107, 419-431, 2023
The effects of buprenorphine on fentanyl withdrawal in rats
AW Bruijnzeel, C Marcinkiewcz, S Isaac, MM Booth, DM Dennis, MS Gold
Psychopharmacology 191, 931-941, 2007
Modulation of OCT3 expression by stress, and antidepressant-like activity of decynium-22 in an animal model of depression
CA Marcinkiewcz, DP Devine
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 131, 33-41, 2015
Human tau-overexpressing mice recapitulate brainstem involvement and neuropsychiatric features of early Alzheimer’s disease
KM Khan, N Balasubramanian, G Gaudencio, R Wang, GP Selvakumar, ...
Acta neuropathologica communications 11 (1), 57, 2023
Repeated ethanol exposure and withdrawal alters angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 expression in discrete brain regions: Implications for SARS‐CoV‐2 neuroinvasion
N Balasubramanian, TD James, GP Selvakumar, J Reinhardt, ...
Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 47 (2), 219-239, 2023
Tau pathology in the dorsal raphe may be a prodromal indicator of Alzheimer’s disease
SR Pierson, KL Fiock, R Wang, N Balasubramanian, J Reinhardt, ...
Molecular psychiatry, 1-15, 2024
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Articles 1–20