Muralikrishna Raju
Muralikrishna Raju
Postdoctoral Scholar in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
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Aqueous proton transfer across single-layer graphene
JL Achtyl, RR Unocic, L Xu, Y Cai, M Raju, W Zhang, RL Sacci, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6539, 2015
Sequence-encoded and composition-dependent protein-RNA interactions control multiphasic condensate morphologies
T Kaur, M Raju, I Alshareedah, RB Davis, DA Potoyan, PR Banerjee
Nature communications 12 (1), 872, 2021
Phase transition of RNA− protein complexes into ordered hollow condensates
I Alshareedah, MM Moosa, M Raju, DA Potoyan, PR Banerjee
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (27), 15650-15658, 2020
Mechanical properties of amorphous LixSi alloys: a reactive force field study
F Fan, S Huang, H Yang, M Raju, D Datta, VB Shenoy, ACT Van Duin, ...
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 21 (7), 074002, 2013
Mechanisms of Oriented Attachment of TiO2 Nanocrystals in Vacuum and Humid Environments: Reactive Molecular Dynamics
M Raju, ACT Van Duin, KA Fichthorn
Nano letters 14 (4), 1836-1842, 2014
ReaxFF reactive force field study of the dissociation of water on titania surfaces
M Raju, SY Kim, ACT Van Duin, KA Fichthorn
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (20), 10558-10572, 2013
Widom lines in binary mixtures of supercritical fluids
M Raju, DT Banuti, PC Ma, M Ihme
Scientific reports 7 (1), 3027, 2017
Seven questions about supercritical fluids-towards a new fluid state diagram
D Banuti, M Raju, PC Ma, M Ihme, JP Hickey
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1106, 2017
Similarity law for Widom lines and coexistence lines
DT Banuti, M Raju, M Ihme
Phys. Rev. E 95, 052120, 2017
Coexistence of tunneling magnetoresistance and electroresistance at room temperature in La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3/(Ba, Sr) TiO3/La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3 multiferroic tunnel junctions
YW Yin, M Raju, WJ Hu, XJ Weng, XG Li, Q Li
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (7), 2011
Between supercritical liquids and gases–reconciling dynamic and thermodynamic state transitions
DT Banuti, M Raju, M Ihme
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 165, 104895, 2020
Reactive force field study of Li/C systems for electrical energy storage
M Raju, P Ganesh, PRC Kent, ACT Van Duin
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11 (5), 2156-2166, 2015
Phase transitions of ordered ice in graphene nanocapillaries and carbon nanotubes
M Raju, A Van Duin, M Ihme
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3851, 2018
Multiferroic tunnel junctions
YW Yin, M Raju, WJ Hu, XJ Weng, K Zou, J Zhu, XG Li, ZD Zhang, Q Li
Frontiers of Physics 7, 380-385, 2012
Effect of strong acid functional groups on electrode rise potential in capacitive mixing by double layer expansion
MC Hatzell, M Raju, VJ Watson, AG Stack, ACT Van Duin, BE Logan
Environmental science & technology 48 (23), 14041-14048, 2014
Atomistic adsorption of oxygen and hydrogen on platinum catalysts by hybrid grand canonical monte carlo/reactive molecular dynamics
L Gai, YK Shin, M Raju, ACT Van Duin, S Raman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (18), 9780-9793, 2016
Benchmark of ReaxFF force field for subcritical and supercritical water
H Manzano, W Zhang, M Raju, JS Dolado, I López-Arbeloa, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (23), 2018
Self-weakening in lithiated graphene electrodes
H Yang, X Huang, W Liang, ACT Van Duin, M Raju, S Zhang
Chemical Physics Letters 563, 58-62, 2013
Atomistic and continuum scale modeling of functionalized graphyne membranes for water desalination
M Raju, PB Govindaraju, ACT Van Duin, M Ihme
Nanoscale 10 (8), 3969-3980, 2018
Full-scale ab initio simulation of magic-angle-spinning dynamic nuclear polarization
FA Perras, M Raju, SL Carnahan, D Akbarian, ACT Van Duin, AJ Rossini, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (14), 5655-5660, 2020
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Articles 1–20