Joey (Junyi) Liu
Joey (Junyi) Liu
Philips Research North America
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Cited by
Neural paraphrase generation with stacked residual LSTM networks
A Prakash, SA Hasan, K Lee, V Datla, A Qadir, J Liu, O Farri
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.03098, 2016
Adverse drug event detection in tweets with semi-supervised convolutional neural networks
K Lee, A Qadir, SA Hasan, V Datla, A Prakash, J Liu, O Farri
Proceedings of the 26th international conference on world wide web, 705-714, 2017
Dr-bilstm: Dependent reading bidirectional lstm for natural language inference
R Ghaeini, SA Hasan, V Datla, J Liu, K Lee, A Qadir, Y Ling, A Prakash, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.05577, 2018
Condensed memory networks for clinical diagnostic inferencing
A Prakash, S Zhao, S Hasan, V Datla, K Lee, A Qadir, J Liu, O Farri
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 31 (1), 2017
Overview of imageclef 2018 medical domain visual question answering task
SA Hasan, Y Ling, O Farri, J Liu, H Müller, M Lungren
Proceedings of CLEF 2018 Working Notes, 2018
ImageCLEF 2019: Multimedia retrieval in medicine, lifelogging, security and nature
B Ionescu, H Müller, R Péteri, YD Cid, V Liauchuk, V Kovalev, D Klimuk, ...
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 10th …, 2019
Overview of ImageCLEF 2018: Challenges, datasets and evaluation
B Ionescu, H Müller, M Villegas, A García Seco de Herrera, C Eickhoff, ...
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 9th …, 2018
Diagnostic inferencing via improving clinical concept extraction with deep reinforcement learning: A preliminary study
Y Ling, SA Hasan, V Datla, A Qadir, K Lee, J Liu, O Farri
Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, 271-285, 2017
Systems and methods for neural clinical paraphrase generation
SS Al Hasan, B Liu, OF Farri, J Liu, A Prakash
US Patent 11,068,660, 2021
Learning to diagnose: assimilating clinical narratives using deep reinforcement learning
Y Ling, SA Hasan, V Datla, A Qadir, K Lee, J Liu, O Farri
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2017
Neural clinical paraphrase generation with attention
SA Hasan, B Liu, J Liu, A Qadir, K Lee, V Datla, A Prakash, O Farri
Proceedings of the Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop …, 2016
Towards Dataset Creation And Establishing Baselines for Sentence-level Neural Clinical Paraphrase Generation and Simplification.
V Adduru, SA Hasan, J Liu, Y Ling, VV Datla, A Qadir, O Farri
KDH@ IJCAI, 45-52, 2018
Attention-based medical caption generation with image modality classification and clinical concept mapping
SA Hasan, Y Ling, J Liu, R Sreenivasan, S Anand, TR Arora, V Datla, ...
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 9th …, 2018
Automated clinical diagnosis: The role of content in various sections of a clinical document
V Datla, SA Hasan, A Qadir, K Lee, Y Ling, J Liu, O Farri
2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2017
Clinical Question Answering using Key-Value Memory Networks and Knowledge Graph.
SA Hasan, S Zhao, VV Datla, J Liu, K Lee, A Qadir, A Prakash, O Farri
TREC, 2016
Semi-supervised classification with stacked autoencoder
R Ghaeini, SS Al Hasan, OF Farri, K Lee, V Datla, A Qadir, J Liu, ...
US Patent 11,544,529, 2023
Knowledge graph-based clinical diagnosis assistant
VV Datla, SS Al Hasan, OF Farri, J Liu, KMY Lee, A Qadir, A Prakash
US Patent App. 16/342,033, 2019
PRNA at ImageCLEF 2017 Caption Prediction and Concept Detection Tasks.
SA Hasan, Y Ling, J Liu, R Sreenivasan, S Anand, TR Arora, VV Datla, ...
CLEF (working notes), 2017
A Hybrid Approach to Clinical Question Answering.
SA Hasan, X Zhu, Y Dong, J Liu, O Farri
TREC, 2014
Using Neural Embeddings for Diagnostic Inferencing in Clinical Question Answering.
SA Hasan, Y Ling, J Liu, O Farri
TREC, 2015
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Articles 1–20