Tomasz Kapuscinski
Tomasz Kapuscinski
Rzeszow University of Technology
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Recognition of hand gestures observed by depth cameras
T Kapuscinski, M Oszust, M Wysocki, D Warchol
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 12 (4), 36, 2015
Data augmentation with suboptimal warping for time-series classification
K Kamycki, T Kapuscinski, M Oszust
Sensors 20 (1), 98, 2019
Hand gesture recognition for man-machine interaction
T Kapuscinski, M Wysocki
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control …, 2001
Recognition of fingerspelling sequences in polish sign language using point clouds obtained from depth images
D Warchoł, T Kapu¶ciński, M Wysocki
Sensors 19 (5), 1078, 2019
A vision-based method for supporting autonomous aircraft landing
M Oszust, T Kapuscinski, D Warchol, M Wysocki, T Rogalski, J Pieniazek, ...
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 90 (6), 973-982, 2018
Hand gesture recognition using time-of-flight camera and viewpoint feature histogram
T Kapu¶ciński, M Oszust, M Wysocki
Intelligent Systems in Technical and Medical Diagnostics, 403-414, 2014
Using hierarchical temporal memory for vision-based hand shape recognition under large variations in hand’s rotation
T Kapuscinski
Artifical Intelligence and Soft Computing: 10th International Conference …, 2010
Human action recognition using bone pair descriptor and distance descriptor
D Warchoł, T Kapu¶ciński
Symmetry 12 (10), 1580, 2020
Recognition of signed expressions in an experimental system supporting deaf clients in the city office
T Kapuscinski, M Wysocki
Sensors 20 (8), 2190, 2020
Hand posture recognition using skeletal data and distance descriptor
T Kapu¶ciński, D Warchoł
Applied Sciences 10 (6), 2132, 2020
Using hierarchical temporal memory for recognition of signed polish words
T Kapuscinski, M Wysocki
Computer recognition systems 3, 355-362, 2009
Vision-based implementation of feedback control of unicycle robots
B Kwolek, T Kapuscinski, M Wysocki
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Robot Motion and Control. RoMoCo'99 …, 1999
In-flight tests of intruder detection vision system
P Rzucidło, G Jaromi, T Kapu¶ciński, D Kordos, T Rogalski, P Szczerba
Sensors 21 (21), 7360, 2021
Recognition of signed dynamic expressions observed by ToF camera
T Kapuscinski, M Oszust, M Wysocki
2013 Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and …, 2013
Handshape recognition using skeletal data
T Kapuscinski, P Organisciak
Sensors 18 (8), 2577, 2018
A vision-based method for determining aircraft state during spin recovery
T Kapuscinski, P Szczerba, T Rogalski, P Rzucidlo, Z Szczerba
Sensors 20 (8), 2401, 2020
Recognition of isolated words of the polish sign language
T Kapuscinski, M Wysocki
Computer Recognition Systems: Proceedings of the 4th International …, 2005
Vision-based recognition of Polish sign language
T Kapuscinski, M Wysocki
Methods in Artificial Intelligence, 2003
The Recognition of the Polish Sign Language in a Vision System
T Kapuscinski
Ph. D. thesis, University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra,(in Polish), 2006
Vision-based gesture modeling for signed expressions recognition
T Kapuscinski, K Inglot
Procedia Computer Science 207, 1007-1016, 2022
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Articles 1–20