Imputation of missing network data: Some simple procedures M Huisman Journal of Social Structure 10 (1), 1-29, 2009 | 400 | 2009 |
Imputation of missing item responses: Some simple techniques M Huisman Quality and Quantity 34, 331-351, 2000 | 377 | 2000 |
Treatment of non-response in longitudinal network studies M Huisman, C Steglich Social networks 30 (4), 297-308, 2008 | 343 | 2008 |
Burnout and engagement among resident doctors in the Netherlands: a national study JT Prins, JEHM Hoekstra‐Weebers, SM Gazendam‐Donofrio, GS Dillingh, ... Medical education 44 (3), 236-247, 2010 | 334 | 2010 |
Prevention and treatment of item nonresponse ED De Leeuw, J Hox, M Huisman JOURNAL OF OFFICIAL STATISTICS-STOCKHOLM- 19 (2), 153-176, 2003 | 333 | 2003 |
Software for Social Network Analysis M Huisman Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis/Cambridge University Press, 2005 | 321 | 2005 |
Statistical analysis of longitudinal network data with changing composition M Huisman, TAB Snijders Sociological methods & research 32 (2), 253-287, 2003 | 285 | 2003 |
Evolution of sociology freshmen into a friendship network MAJ Van Duijn, EPH Zeggelink, M Huisman, FN Stokman, FW Wasseur Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27 (2-3), 153-191, 2003 | 280 | 2003 |
Manual for SIENA version 2.1 T Snijders University of Groningen…, 2005 | 278 | 2005 |
Is a combined therapy more effective than either CBT or SSRI alone? Results of a multicenter trial on panic disorder with or without agoraphobia FJ Van Apeldoorn, W Van Hout, PPA Mersch, M Huisman, BR Slaap, ... Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 117 (4), 260-270, 2008 | 137 | 2008 |
StOCNET: An open software system for the advanced statistical analysis of social networks P Boer, M Huisman, TAB Snijders, EPH Zeggelink Groningnen: ProGAMMA/ICS, version 1, 2006 | 105 | 2006 |
Item nonresponse: Occurrence, causes, and imputation of missing answers to test items M Huisman Dswo Press, 1999 | 95 | 1999 |
A reader’s guide to SNA software M Huisman, MAJ Van Duijn The SAGE handbook of social network analysis, 578-600, 2011 | 88 | 2011 |
Imputation of missing scale data with item response models M Huisman, IW Molenaar Essays on item response theory, 221-244, 2001 | 71 | 2001 |
Missing network data a comparison of different imputation methods RW Krause, M Huisman, C Steglich, TAB Snijders 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
Trajectories of psychosocial problems in adolescents predicted by findings from early well-child assessments M Jaspers, AF de Winter, M Huisman, FC Verhulst, J Ormel, RE Stewart, ... Journal of Adolescent Health 51 (5), 475-483, 2012 | 64 | 2012 |
Missing data in cross-sectional networks–An extensive comparison of missing data treatment methods RW Krause, M Huisman, C Steglich, T Snijders Social Networks 62, 99-112, 2020 | 62 | 2020 |
Prevalence and correlates of self-rated posttraumatic stress disorder and complicated grief in a community-based sample of homicidally bereaved individuals M van Denderen, J de Keijser, M Huisman, PA Boelen Journal of interpersonal violence 31 (2), 207-227, 2016 | 52 | 2016 |
Software for statistical analysis of social networks M Huisman, MAJ van Duijn The Sixth International Conference on Logic and Methodology, 2004 | 50 | 2004 |
Manual for SIENA version 3. Groningen: University of Groningen, ICS TAB Snijders, CEG Steglich, M Schweinberger, M Huisman Oxford: University of Oxford, Department of Statistics. http://stat. gamma …, 2007 | 48 | 2007 |