Anatoly Streltsov
Anatoly Streltsov
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Small scale Alfvénic structure in the aurora
K Stasiewicz, P Bellan, C Chaston, C Kletzing, R Lysak, J Maggs, ...
Space Science Reviews 92, 423-533, 2000
Evidence for kinetic Alfvén waves and parallel electron energization at 4–6 RE altitudes in the plasma sheet boundary layer
JR Wygant, A Keiling, CA Cattell, RL Lysak, M Temerin, FS Mozer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 107 (A8), SMP 24-1-SMP 24-15, 2002
Alfvén vortices and related phenomena in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere
VM Chmyrev, SV Bilichenko, OA Pokhotelov, VA Marchenko, VI Lazarev, ...
Physica Scripta 38 (6), 841, 1988
Microwave image reconstruction from 3-D fields coupled to 2-D parameter estimation
Q Fang, PM Meaney, SD Geimer, AV Streltsov, KD Paulsen
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 23 (4), 475-484, 2004
Discrete auroral arc, electrostatic shock and suprathermal electrons powered by dispersive, anomalously resistive field line resonance
W Lotko, AV Streltsov, CW Carlson
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (24), 4449-4452, 1998
Small‐scale, dispersive field line resonances in the hot magnetospheric plasma
AV Streltsov, W Lotko, JR Johnson, CZ Cheng
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 103 (A11), 26559-26572, 1998
Past, present and future of active radio frequency experiments in space
AV Streltsov, JJ Berthelier, AA Chernyshov, VL Frolov, F Honary, ...
Space Science Reviews 214, 1-122, 2018
Multiscale electrodynamics of the ionosphere‐magnetosphere system
AV Streltsov, W Lotko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 109 (A9), 2004
Whistler propagation in inhomogeneous plasma
AV Streltsov, M Lampe, W Manheimer, G Ganguli, G Joyce
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111 (A3), 2006
Large Alfvén wave power in the plasma sheet boundary layer during the expansion phase of substorms
A Keiling, JR Wygant, C Cattell, M Temerin, FS Mozer, CA Kletzing, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (19), 3169-3172, 2000
Dispersive ionospheric Alfvén resonator
OA Pokhotelov, D Pokhotelov, A Streltsov, V Khruschev, M Parrot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 105 (A4), 7737-7746, 2000
Some properties of Alfvén waves: observations in the tail lobes and the plasma sheet boundary layer
A Keiling, GK Parks, JR Wygant, J Dombeck, FS Mozer, CT Russell, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110 (A10), 2005
Coupling between density structures, electromagnetic waves and ionospheric feedback in the auroral zone
AV Streltsov, W Lotko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A5), 2008
Small‐scale,“electrostatic” auroral structures and Alfvén waves
AV Streltsov, W Lotko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A3), 4411-4426, 1999
Dispersive field line resonances on auroral field lines
A Streltsov, W Lotko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 100 (A10), 19457-19472, 1995
Small‐scale electric fields in downward auroral current channels
AV Streltsov, W Lotko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A7), 2003
The fine structure of dispersive, nonradiative field line resonance layers
A Streltsov, W Lotko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 101 (A3), 5343-5358, 1996
Vortex structures in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere of the Earth
VM Chmyrev, VA Marchenko, OA Pokhotelov, L Stenflo, AV Streltsov, ...
Planetary and space science 39 (7), 1025-IN4, 1991
Dispersive, nonradiative field line resonances in a dipolar magnetic field geometry
AV Streltsov, W Lotko
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 102 (A12), 27121-27135, 1997
The development of discrete active auroral forms
VM Chmyrev, VA Marchenko, OA Pokhotelov, PK Shukla, L Stenflo, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 20 (6), 764-769, 1992
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Articles 1–20